1.3.0: Seeing the (Non)Forest (Out, because it’s not measured)

Lidar-based models removing all plots with non-forest inclusions

Mike Mahoney true

Evaluation Results

Last iteration of these models: 2021-08-04

Change Summary

RF (ranger) GBM (LightGBM) SVM (kernlab) Ensemble (model weighted) Ensemble (RMSE weighted)
RMSE 42.492 46.377 43.049 42.536 42.316
MBE -0.947 -0.722 -3.544 -0.394 -1.787
R2 0.587 0.534 0.579 0.587 0.591

AGB Distribution

summary(bind_rows(training, testing)$agb_mgha)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    0.0    86.5   134.9   134.6   173.5   425.0 

Bootstrapping Results

Across 1000 bootstrap iterations, our ensemble model had a mean RMSE of 42.571 \(\pm\) 0.555.

RMSE Distribution

Plot Errors

Validation Results

RMSE Min Median Max
Rf 36.293 43.174 49.579
Lgb 38.917 48.916 56.496
Svm 37.342 43.758 66.253
Ensemble 36.974 43.749 50.376
R2 Min Median Max
rf 0.456 0.584 0.699
lgb 0.372 0.489 0.625
svm 0.122 0.571 0.700
ensemble 0.449 0.573 0.698



      lgb        rf       svm 
0.3090064 0.3408116 0.3501821 

lm(formula = agb_mgha ~ rf_pred * lgb_pred * svm_pred, data = pred_values)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-138.983  -27.699   -3.649   23.850  198.591 

                              Estimate   Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)               -30.29818165   3.64841560  -8.304  < 2e-16
rf_pred                     1.10023916   0.08461760  13.002  < 2e-16
lgb_pred                    0.39840667   0.06685331   5.959 2.60e-09
svm_pred                    0.25963604   0.07484690   3.469 0.000524
rf_pred:lgb_pred           -0.00405108   0.00050474  -8.026 1.09e-15
rf_pred:svm_pred           -0.00043423   0.00047167  -0.921 0.357266
lgb_pred:svm_pred          -0.00119990   0.00060327  -1.989 0.046722
rf_pred:lgb_pred:svm_pred   0.00001379   0.00000199   6.929 4.42e-12
(Intercept)               ***
rf_pred                   ***
lgb_pred                  ***
svm_pred                  ***
rf_pred:lgb_pred          ***
lgb_pred:svm_pred         *  
rf_pred:lgb_pred:svm_pred ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 42.99 on 13192 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5866,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5863 
F-statistic:  2674 on 7 and 13192 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


\(n\) and \(p\)

Component Models

Random forest:

[1] 750

[1] 28

[1] 3

[1] 0.2

[1] "variance"

[1] TRUE

agb_mgha ~ .


[1] 1000

[1] 0.1

[1] 6

[1] -1

[1] TRUE

[1] 10

[1] 0.3

[1] 1

[1] 0.3

[1] 8

[1] 14

[1] 0.5

[1] TRUE


agb_mgha ~ zmean + zmean_c + max + quad_mean + quad_mean_c + 
    cv + cv_c + z_kurt + z_skew + L2 + L3 + L4 + L_cv + L_skew + 
    L_kurt + h10 + h20 + h30 + h40 + h50 + h60 + h70 + h80 + 
    h90 + h95 + h99 + hvol + cancov + rpc1 + d10 + d20 + d30 + 
    d40 + d50 + d60 + d70 + d80 + d90 + precip + tmin + tmax + 
    twi + slope + aspect + elev + tax_code_105 + tax_code_112 + 
    tax_code_120 + tax_code_210 + tax_code_240 + tax_code_260 + 
    tax_code_311 + tax_code_312 + tax_code_321 + tax_code_322 + 
    tax_code_323 + tax_code_910 + tax_code_911 + tax_code_912 + 
    tax_code_930 + tax_code_931 + tax_code_932 + tax_code_941 + 
    tax_code_961 + tax_code_1000 + tax_category_100 + tax_category_200 + 
    tax_category_300 + tax_category_900 + tax_code_2000

[1] "laplacedot"

[1] "eps-svr"

[1] 0.001953125

[1] 21

[1] 0.25


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Mahoney (2021, Nov. 20). CAFRI Labs: 1.3.0: Seeing the (Non)Forest (Out, because it's not measured). Retrieved from https://cafri-labs.github.io/acceptable-growing-stock/posts/130-seeing-the-nonforest-out-because-its-not-measured/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Mahoney, Mike},
  title = {CAFRI Labs: 1.3.0: Seeing the (Non)Forest (Out, because it's not measured)},
  url = {https://cafri-labs.github.io/acceptable-growing-stock/posts/130-seeing-the-nonforest-out-because-its-not-measured/},
  year = {2021}