First draft of graphics and tables for ground filtering paper

A living document with set pieces for the ground filtering paper.

Mike Mahoney true


Coverage Map

Boundaries for all LiDAR regions used in this project, colored by year of data acquisition. More information about each coverage is included as Supplementary Materials S1.

Figure 1: Boundaries for all LiDAR regions used in this project, colored by year of data acquisition. More information about each coverage is included as Supplementary Materials S1.


LCMAP LULC classifications for all LiDAR regions used in this project at year of LiDAR acquisition.

Figure 2: LCMAP LULC classifications for all LiDAR regions used in this project at year of LiDAR acquisition.

Landscape Metrics

Landscape fragmentation metrics, derived from LCMAP LULC classifications for all LiDAR regions used in this project at year of LiDAR acquisition, and number of FIA plots available for modeling within each coverage.

Figure 3: Landscape fragmentation metrics, derived from LCMAP LULC classifications for all LiDAR regions used in this project at year of LiDAR acquisition, and number of FIA plots available for modeling within each coverage.


Selected LiDAR-derived predictor distributions for five ground noise filtering approaches. Each subplot is scaled independently so that the X-axis represents the full range of that predictor and the Y-axis represents the full range of the kernel density estimate of that predictor.

Figure 4: Selected LiDAR-derived predictor distributions for five ground noise filtering approaches. Each subplot is scaled independently so that the X-axis represents the full range of that predictor and the Y-axis represents the full range of the kernel density estimate of that predictor.

Performance Metrics

Model accuracy metrics at each ground noise filtering height threshold. Red line indicates models fit to all LiDAR regions (874 FIA plots), while grey lines represent each individual LiDAR region model.

Figure 5: Model accuracy metrics at each ground noise filtering height threshold. Red line indicates models fit to all LiDAR regions (874 FIA plots), while grey lines represent each individual LiDAR region model.


LiDAR Predictors

Table 1: Definitions of LiDAR-derived predictors used for model fitting.
Predictor Definition
H0, H10, … H100, H95, H99 Decile heights of returns, in meters, as well as 95th and 99th percentile return heights.
D10, D20… D90 Density of returns above a certain height, as a proportion. After return height is divided into 10 equal bins ranging from 0 to the maximum height of returns, this value reflects the proportion of returns at or above each breakpoint.
N Number of LiDAR returns clipped to the given FIA plot or map pixel
ZMEAN, ZMEAN_C Mean height of all returns (ZMEAN) and all returns above 2.5m (ZMEAN_C)
Z_KURT, Z_SKEW Kurtosis and skewness of height of all returns
QUAD_MEAN, QUAD_MEAN_C Quadratic mean height of all returns (QUAD_MEAN) and all returns above 2.5m (QUAD_MEAN_C)
CV, CV_C Coefficient of variation for heights of all returns (CV) and all returns above 2.5m (CV_C)
L2, L3, L4, L_CV, L_SKEW, L_KURT L-moments and their ratios as defined by Hosking (1990), calculated for heights of all returns
CANCOV Ratio of returns above 2.5m to all returns (Pflugmacher et al. 2012)
HVOL CANCOV * ZMEAN (Pflugmacher et al. 2012)
RPC1 Ratio of first returns to all returns (Pflugmacher et al. 2012)

Accuracy metrics

Table 2: Model accuracy metrics for the model fit to the combined data set at various ground filtering height thresholds.
Region # Plots Unfiltered 0m 0.1m 1m 2m
All Regions RMSE 43.905 45.504 46.612 45.899 46.410
All Regions RMSE (%) 37.244 38.600 39.540 38.935 39.368
All Regions MAE 33.421 34.974 36.013 35.369 35.724
All Regions R2 0.607 0.579 0.558 0.571 0.562

Correlation between patchiness and RMSE %

Table 3: Correlation (Spearman’s \(\rho\)) between \(\Delta\) RMSE (%) and landscape structural metrics at various filtering thresholds. \(\Delta\) RMSE (%) represents the difference between RMSE for the filtered scenario compared to RMSE without filtering; positive values represent higher errors, and positive correlations represent error increasing as the landscape metric increases.
Filtering threshold Edge density Patch density % Forest cover
0m 0.109 0.162 -0.118
0.1m 0.238 0.300 -0.409
1m 0.374 0.371 -0.318
2m 0.465 0.471 -0.344

Supplementary Materials

LiDAR Data Sets

Table 4: Lidar boundaries. “Index” numbers reflect identifier numbers as used in Online Resources Figure 1. Region names reflect the naming conventions used by the NYSGPO; this often, but not always, reflects included counties. Area values are approximate and in square kilometers. Density values are in points per square meter (ppm).
Index Region Name Acquisition Year Area Density Citation
1 3 County 2014 7,370 2.04 United States Geological Survey (2015a)
2 Great Gully 2014 720 2.16 Axis GeoSpatial, LLC (2014)
3 Great Lakes 2014 5,780 2.04 United States Geological Survey (2015c)
4 Long Island 2014 3,170 2.04 Woolpert, Inc (2014)
5 Schoharie 2014 2,500 2.04 United States Geological Survey (2015b)
6 Clinton, Essex & Franklin 2015 1,110 2.04 Quantum Spatial (2016)
7 Madison & Otsego 2015 4,780 2.18 Axis GeoSpatial, LLC (2016a)
8 Warren, Washington & Essex 2015 6,280 3.24 Atlantic Inc (2015)
9 Allegany & Steuben 2016 3,410 2.04 New York Office of Information Technology Services (2016)
10 Columbia & Rensselaer 2016 2,600 2.60 Axis GeoSpatial, LLC (2016b)
11 Franklin & St. Lawrence 2017 9,880 2.04 Quantum Spatial (2017b)
12 Oneida Subbasin 2017 2,550 2.04 Quantum Spatial (2017a)
13 Southwest 2017 4,460 2.04 New York Office of Information Technology Services (2017)
14 Cayuga & Oswego 2018 4,450 2.04 New York Office of Information Technology Services (2018a)
15 Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin 2018 5,010 1.98 Quantum Spatial (2018)
16 Southwest (B) 2018 5,660 2.04 New York Office of Information Technology Services (2018b)
17 Erie, Genesee & Livingston 2019 5,670 2.04 New York Office of Information Technology Services (2019)

List of hyperparameters used in tuning random forests and evaluated ranges

Hyperparameter Definition Evaluated Range
mtry Number of variables to include in each node Integers between 3 and 40
min.node.size The minimum number of observations per terminal node Integers between 3 and 15
sample.fraction Fraction of observations to sample 0.2 to 1.0 in increments of 0.1
replace Whether or not to sample with replacement TRUE and FALSE
splitrule The rule used to determine node splits maxstat and variance
num.trees Number of trees to aggregate 100 to 2000 in increments of 100. Tuned separately from other hyperparameters for only the best performing model given that performance tends to improve with additional trees, independent of other parameter values.

Mean values of LiDAR-derived variables and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic values (in parentheses).

Variables calculated for plots with no returns following filtering were set to 0, which may result in counterintuitive comparisons.

Metric 0.1m Ground 1m 2m Unfiltered
Combined Data
cancov 0.868 (0.722) 0.799 (0.538) 0.951 (0.886) 0.997 (0.994) 0.586
cv 0.575 (0.716) 0.683 (0.541) 0.464 (0.847) 0.428 (0.897) 1.09
cv_c 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407
d10 0.865 (0.732) 0.798 (0.565) 0.905 (0.810) 0.893 (0.799) 0.582
d20 0.770 (0.644) 0.712 (0.498) 0.802 (0.700) 0.789 (0.681) 0.522
d30 0.670 (0.568) 0.619 (0.442) 0.696 (0.600) 0.682 (0.574) 0.456
d40 0.564 (0.477) 0.521 (0.379) 0.582 (0.506) 0.568 (0.473) 0.384
d50 0.450 (0.397) 0.416 (0.317) 0.462 (0.414) 0.448 (0.389) 0.307
d60 0.329 (0.320) 0.304 (0.261) 0.335 (0.333) 0.322 (0.291) 0.224
d70 0.206 (0.260) 0.190 (0.209) 0.208 (0.260) 0.199 (0.232) 0.14
d80 0.098 (0.229) 0.090 (0.192) 0.099 (0.222) 0.094 (0.189) 0.066
d90 0.026 (0.199) 0.023 (0.165) 0.026 (0.195) 0.025 (0.176) 0.016
h10 2.409 (0.912) 1.361 (0.876) 4.448 (0.969) 5.040 (0.974) 0.156
h20 5.002 (0.783) 3.555 (0.652) 6.650 (0.864) 7.156 (0.891) 0.715
h30 7.224 (0.634) 5.867 (0.526) 8.537 (0.700) 8.968 (0.740) 1.885
h40 9.204 (0.514) 8.042 (0.411) 10.232 (0.574) 10.596 (0.606) 3.801
h50 10.998 (0.405) 10.107 (0.341) 11.801 (0.461) 12.114 (0.479) 6.164
h60 12.672 (0.301) 11.995 (0.246) 13.302 (0.346) 13.566 (0.360) 8.83
h70 14.334 (0.221) 13.803 (0.184) 14.813 (0.252) 15.031 (0.264) 11.383
h80 16.062 (0.166) 15.700 (0.135) 16.419 (0.191) 16.584 (0.205) 13.918
h90 18.095 (0.105) 17.842 (0.090) 18.324 (0.118) 18.430 (0.129) 16.722
h95 19.490 (0.082) 19.321 (0.068) 19.654 (0.090) 19.734 (0.095) 18.536
h99 21.510 (0.047) 21.422 (0.040) 21.596 (0.050) 21.634 (0.054) 21.036
hvol 9.526 (0.548) 8.281 (0.416) 11.229 (0.648) 11.938 (0.701) 4.875
L_cv 0.323 (0.723) 0.378 (0.546) 0.262 (0.854) 0.242 (0.903) 0.546
L_kurt 0.051 (0.457) 0.031 (0.325) 0.060 (0.526) 0.059 (0.539) 0.012
L_skew -0.014 (0.466) 0.020 (0.406) -0.005 (0.460) -0.002 (0.457) 0.201
L2 3.271 (0.191) 3.448 (0.109) 2.930 (0.347) 2.830 (0.392) 3.585
L3 -0.086 (0.518) 0.006 (0.447) -0.051 (0.532) -0.043 (0.537) 0.542
L4 0.137 (0.457) 0.060 (0.324) 0.152 (0.526) 0.147 (0.540) -0.09
max 23.413 (0.000) 23.413 (0.000) 23.412 (0.001) 23.410 (0.002) 23.413
min 0.104 (1.000) 0.005 (0.349) 1.077 (0.999) 2.030 (0.998) 0
n 3,872.788 (0.267) 4,178.778 (0.219) 3,543.318 (0.316) 3,423.683 (0.339) 5471.683
quad_mean 12.197 (0.253) 11.711 (0.193) 12.754 (0.304) 12.976 (0.327) 10.027
quad_mean_c 13.122 (0.000) 13.122 (0.000) 13.122 (0.000) 13.122 (0.000) 13.122
rpc1 0.633 (0.189) 0.620 (0.152) 0.661 (0.255) 0.667 (0.272) 0.578
z_kurt -0.583 (0.294) -0.615 (0.193) -0.513 (0.343) -0.515 (0.352) 0.08
z_skew -0.057 (0.408) 0.050 (0.352) -0.015 (0.375) 0.002 (0.366) 0.589
zmean 10.667 (0.403) 9.879 (0.305) 11.608 (0.474) 11.942 (0.501) 7.374
zmean_c 12.151 (0.000) 12.151 (0.000) 12.151 (0.000) 12.151 (0.000) 12.151
3 County
cancov 0.904 (0.789) 0.837 (0.632) 0.937 (0.842) 1.000 (1.000) 0.536
cv 0.526 (0.737) 0.620 (0.579) 0.483 (0.816) 0.427 (0.868) 1.171
cv_c 0.405 (0.000) 0.405 (0.000) 0.405 (0.000) 0.405 (0.000) 0.405
d10 0.893 (0.789) 0.832 (0.605) 0.886 (0.763) 0.897 (0.789) 0.533
d20 0.798 (0.658) 0.744 (0.526) 0.794 (0.632) 0.804 (0.658) 0.483
d30 0.707 (0.579) 0.661 (0.447) 0.701 (0.553) 0.705 (0.553) 0.432
d40 0.608 (0.500) 0.570 (0.421) 0.601 (0.474) 0.601 (0.474) 0.376
d50 0.499 (0.474) 0.468 (0.342) 0.488 (0.447) 0.485 (0.474) 0.31
d60 0.375 (0.395) 0.353 (0.368) 0.365 (0.395) 0.359 (0.421) 0.234
d70 0.238 (0.342) 0.224 (0.342) 0.229 (0.342) 0.222 (0.368) 0.147
d80 0.109 (0.421) 0.103 (0.395) 0.104 (0.342) 0.100 (0.316) 0.065
d90 0.027 (0.342) 0.025 (0.316) 0.025 (0.316) 0.025 (0.289) 0.015
h10 3.729 (0.974) 2.614 (0.974) 4.483 (0.974) 5.339 (0.974) 0.154
h20 6.209 (0.842) 4.914 (0.816) 6.773 (0.868) 7.469 (0.895) 1.05
h30 8.050 (0.763) 6.913 (0.684) 8.524 (0.763) 9.215 (0.789) 1.96
h40 9.762 (0.605) 8.804 (0.579) 10.132 (0.632) 10.762 (0.711) 3.779
h50 11.365 (0.474) 10.564 (0.447) 11.669 (0.526) 12.187 (0.605) 5.72
h60 12.934 (0.421) 12.325 (0.395) 13.191 (0.447) 13.612 (0.474) 7.755
h70 14.515 (0.368) 14.049 (0.342) 14.710 (0.368) 15.128 (0.395) 10.157
h80 16.272 (0.316) 15.909 (0.289) 16.442 (0.316) 16.712 (0.342) 12.93
h90 18.223 (0.289) 17.999 (0.263) 18.323 (0.289) 18.477 (0.316) 16.235
h95 19.542 (0.237) 19.385 (0.211) 19.601 (0.237) 19.702 (0.263) 18.292
h99 21.412 (0.211) 21.337 (0.158) 21.442 (0.237) 21.492 (0.237) 20.806
hvol 10.371 (0.605) 9.180 (0.500) 11.027 (0.658) 12.080 (0.789) 4.505
L_cv 0.297 (0.737) 0.347 (0.579) 0.273 (0.789) 0.242 (0.868) 0.578
L_kurt 0.059 (0.368) 0.044 (0.316) 0.058 (0.395) 0.059 (0.395) 0.048
L_skew -0.017 (0.526) 0.003 (0.447) -0.012 (0.526) -0.014 (0.526) 0.248
L2 3.045 (0.368) 3.228 (0.289) 2.916 (0.447) 2.780 (0.500) 3.383
L3 -0.061 (0.579) -0.009 (0.526) -0.041 (0.579) -0.048 (0.605) 0.609
L4 0.165 (0.368) 0.119 (0.316) 0.157 (0.395) 0.153 (0.395) 0.033
max 23.098 (0.000) 23.098 (0.000) 23.098 (0.000) 23.098 (0.000) 23.098
min 0.104 (1.000) 0.006 (0.789) 1.048 (1.000) 2.013 (1.000) 0
n 2,925.526 (0.526) 3,102.553 (0.474) 2,841.737 (0.553) 2,724.763 (0.579) 4600.289
quad_mean 12.530 (0.342) 12.088 (0.316) 12.745 (0.368) 13.087 (0.421) 9.707
quad_mean_c 13.245 (0.000) 13.245 (0.000) 13.245 (0.000) 13.245 (0.000) 13.245
rpc1 0.544 (0.289) 0.550 (0.289) 0.545 (0.289) 0.547 (0.289) 0.569
z_kurt -0.496 (0.263) -0.531 (0.211) -0.528 (0.289) -0.566 (0.342) -0.042
z_skew -0.118 (0.447) -0.062 (0.368) -0.095 (0.447) -0.092 (0.421) 0.659
zmean 11.206 (0.421) 10.479 (0.368) 11.569 (0.447) 12.081 (0.553) 6.987
zmean_c 12.312 (0.000) 12.312 (0.000) 12.312 (0.000) 12.312 (0.000) 12.312
Allegany & Steuben
cancov 0.845 (0.632) 0.774 (0.427) 0.967 (0.906) 1.000 (1.000) 0.647
cv 0.611 (0.590) 0.717 (0.410) 0.452 (0.795) 0.422 (0.872) 0.929
cv_c 0.404 (0.000) 0.404 (0.000) 0.404 (0.000) 0.404 (0.000) 0.404
d10 0.831 (0.615) 0.764 (0.410) 0.921 (0.786) 0.917 (0.812) 0.637
d20 0.760 (0.547) 0.699 (0.385) 0.839 (0.701) 0.832 (0.718) 0.585
d30 0.680 (0.513) 0.627 (0.376) 0.746 (0.632) 0.735 (0.624) 0.525
d40 0.584 (0.479) 0.540 (0.359) 0.638 (0.573) 0.627 (0.573) 0.453
d50 0.483 (0.436) 0.447 (0.359) 0.524 (0.504) 0.512 (0.504) 0.376
d60 0.369 (0.376) 0.342 (0.256) 0.398 (0.427) 0.387 (0.393) 0.288
d70 0.246 (0.256) 0.228 (0.197) 0.263 (0.308) 0.253 (0.274) 0.192
d80 0.129 (0.205) 0.119 (0.154) 0.137 (0.256) 0.131 (0.214) 0.1
d90 0.034 (0.154) 0.032 (0.128) 0.036 (0.162) 0.034 (0.154) 0.026
h10 1.587 (0.812) 0.919 (0.735) 5.075 (0.940) 5.663 (0.957) 0.292
h20 4.881 (0.701) 3.106 (0.513) 7.699 (0.769) 8.250 (0.812) 1.483
h30 7.755 (0.581) 5.970 (0.436) 10.041 (0.667) 10.490 (0.709) 3.092
h40 10.334 (0.496) 8.754 (0.393) 12.176 (0.590) 12.553 (0.598) 5.445
h50 12.721 (0.393) 11.595 (0.316) 14.092 (0.470) 14.390 (0.479) 8.434
h60 14.797 (0.274) 13.959 (0.231) 15.836 (0.359) 16.072 (0.393) 11.592
h70 16.742 (0.188) 16.111 (0.145) 17.506 (0.248) 17.692 (0.265) 14.498
h80 18.621 (0.145) 18.206 (0.120) 19.159 (0.197) 19.281 (0.205) 17.135
h90 20.710 (0.128) 20.390 (0.103) 21.063 (0.162) 21.135 (0.162) 19.779
h95 22.046 (0.094) 21.857 (0.060) 22.286 (0.120) 22.336 (0.120) 21.453
h99 23.940 (0.060) 23.855 (0.043) 24.058 (0.068) 24.084 (0.068) 23.668
hvol 10.381 (0.496) 8.959 (0.333) 13.203 (0.650) 13.868 (0.667) 6.583
L_cv 0.345 (0.590) 0.399 (0.402) 0.256 (0.795) 0.239 (0.863) 0.497
L_kurt 0.023 (0.444) -0.003 (0.350) 0.046 (0.564) 0.046 (0.590) -0.023
L_skew -0.043 (0.462) 0.004 (0.385) -0.047 (0.470) -0.046 (0.496) 0.121
L2 3.928 (0.179) 4.099 (0.094) 3.370 (0.453) 3.261 (0.513) 4.192
L3 -0.200 (0.470) -0.037 (0.385) -0.182 (0.513) -0.176 (0.521) 0.409
L4 0.066 (0.436) -0.052 (0.291) 0.132 (0.556) 0.134 (0.581) -0.161
max 25.754 (0.000) 25.754 (0.000) 25.754 (0.000) 25.754 (0.000) 25.754
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.001 (0.034) 1.041 (1.000) 2.006 (1.000) 0
n 8,193.684 (0.282) 8,944.265 (0.222) 7,180.068 (0.393) 7,006.248 (0.410) 10578.667
quad_mean 13.919 (0.222) 13.342 (0.162) 14.840 (0.325) 15.045 (0.359) 12.187
quad_mean_c 15.178 (0.000) 15.178 (0.000) 15.178 (0.000) 15.178 (0.000) 15.178
rpc1 0.571 (0.385) 0.552 (0.282) 0.627 (0.564) 0.634 (0.573) 0.512
z_kurt -0.833 (0.325) -0.883 (0.214) -0.720 (0.427) -0.728 (0.444) -0.787
z_skew -0.169 (0.436) -0.030 (0.350) -0.175 (0.436) -0.166 (0.462) 0.284
zmean 11.994 (0.333) 11.071 (0.256) 13.554 (0.479) 13.873 (0.487) 9.332
zmean_c 14.074 (0.000) 14.074 (0.000) 14.074 (0.000) 14.074 (0.000) 14.074
Cayuga & Oswego
cancov 0.940 (1.000) 0.867 (0.947) 0.967 (1.000) 1.000 (1.000) 0.518
cv 0.503 (1.000) 0.600 (0.947) 0.468 (1.000) 0.435 (1.000) 1.226
cv_c 0.418 (0.000) 0.418 (0.000) 0.418 (0.000) 0.418 (0.000) 0.418
d10 0.916 (1.000) 0.847 (0.947) 0.912 (1.000) 0.911 (1.000) 0.507
d20 0.827 (1.000) 0.765 (0.895) 0.820 (0.947) 0.819 (0.947) 0.458
d30 0.728 (0.947) 0.673 (0.842) 0.721 (0.947) 0.714 (0.947) 0.404
d40 0.614 (0.895) 0.569 (0.789) 0.605 (0.842) 0.593 (0.842) 0.342
d50 0.486 (0.789) 0.450 (0.737) 0.472 (0.737) 0.462 (0.737) 0.271
d60 0.338 (0.737) 0.313 (0.737) 0.325 (0.684) 0.311 (0.632) 0.19
d70 0.190 (0.684) 0.176 (0.632) 0.181 (0.632) 0.172 (0.579) 0.108
d80 0.083 (0.526) 0.077 (0.474) 0.079 (0.526) 0.074 (0.526) 0.047
d90 0.022 (0.421) 0.021 (0.421) 0.021 (0.421) 0.020 (0.368) 0.012
h10 3.555 (1.000) 1.597 (1.000) 4.345 (1.000) 5.140 (1.000) 0
h20 6.526 (1.000) 4.509 (1.000) 7.138 (1.000) 7.721 (1.000) 0
h30 9.043 (0.947) 7.396 (0.947) 9.507 (1.000) 9.943 (1.000) 0.211
h40 11.196 (0.895) 10.051 (0.842) 11.563 (0.895) 11.975 (0.947) 1.746
h50 13.262 (0.842) 12.400 (0.789) 13.539 (0.842) 13.834 (0.842) 4.679
h60 15.033 (0.737) 14.440 (0.737) 15.238 (0.737) 15.439 (0.737) 8.298
h70 16.723 (0.684) 16.242 (0.632) 16.863 (0.684) 17.028 (0.684) 11.543
h80 18.466 (0.474) 18.150 (0.421) 18.577 (0.474) 18.706 (0.526) 14.948
h90 20.612 (0.421) 20.391 (0.421) 20.693 (0.474) 20.783 (0.474) 18.349
h95 22.160 (0.368) 22.006 (0.368) 22.207 (0.368) 22.270 (0.421) 20.638
h99 24.470 (0.263) 24.363 (0.263) 24.503 (0.263) 24.543 (0.263) 23.665
hvol 11.933 (0.895) 10.278 (0.789) 12.627 (0.947) 13.388 (1.000) 4.031
L_cv 0.287 (1.000) 0.343 (0.947) 0.268 (1.000) 0.249 (1.000) 0.607
L_kurt 0.052 (0.789) 0.025 (0.737) 0.051 (0.789) 0.052 (0.789) 0
L_skew -0.043 (0.895) -0.030 (0.895) -0.035 (0.895) -0.028 (0.895) 0.279
L2 3.588 (0.474) 3.905 (0.316) 3.432 (0.526) 3.290 (0.632) 4.056
L3 -0.170 (0.947) -0.135 (0.895) -0.133 (0.947) -0.106 (0.947) 0.954
L4 0.177 (0.789) 0.087 (0.737) 0.171 (0.789) 0.166 (0.789) -0.164
max 26.857 (0.000) 26.857 (0.000) 26.857 (0.000) 26.857 (0.000) 26.857
min 0.102 (1.000) 0.005 (0.632) 1.060 (1.000) 2.029 (1.000) 0
n 3,111.842 (0.579) 3,321.579 (0.474) 3,031.211 (0.579) 2,945.316 (0.632) 5254.526
quad_mean 14.154 (0.684) 13.602 (0.632) 14.360 (0.737) 14.586 (0.737) 10.481
quad_mean_c 14.710 (0.000) 14.710 (0.000) 14.710 (0.000) 14.710 (0.000) 14.71
rpc1 0.545 (0.526) 0.533 (0.474) 0.550 (0.526) 0.556 (0.526) 0.481
z_kurt -0.800 (0.579) -0.957 (0.421) -0.805 (0.579) -0.804 (0.579) -0.305
z_skew -0.158 (0.895) -0.113 (0.842) -0.126 (0.789) -0.096 (0.789) 0.747
zmean 12.664 (0.789) 11.715 (0.789) 13.026 (0.842) 13.389 (0.842) 7.113
zmean_c 13.578 (0.000) 13.578 (0.000) 13.578 (0.000) 13.578 (0.000) 13.578
Clinton, Essex & Franklin
cancov 0.891 (0.738) 0.878 (0.706) 0.960 (0.944) 0.999 (1.000) 0.707
cv 0.568 (0.675) 0.585 (0.627) 0.482 (0.817) 0.449 (0.881) 0.873
cv_c 0.427 (0.000) 0.427 (0.000) 0.427 (0.000) 0.427 (0.000) 0.427
d10 0.883 (0.738) 0.875 (0.706) 0.901 (0.754) 0.879 (0.706) 0.703
d20 0.768 (0.571) 0.761 (0.540) 0.776 (0.556) 0.750 (0.476) 0.611
d30 0.642 (0.421) 0.637 (0.405) 0.643 (0.397) 0.621 (0.325) 0.511
d40 0.515 (0.325) 0.512 (0.325) 0.513 (0.325) 0.491 (0.238) 0.41
d50 0.385 (0.262) 0.383 (0.254) 0.382 (0.238) 0.363 (0.198) 0.307
d60 0.259 (0.198) 0.258 (0.198) 0.254 (0.183) 0.240 (0.143) 0.206
d70 0.149 (0.190) 0.148 (0.190) 0.145 (0.159) 0.136 (0.119) 0.116
d80 0.064 (0.175) 0.063 (0.175) 0.062 (0.151) 0.059 (0.111) 0.049
d90 0.016 (0.175) 0.016 (0.159) 0.016 (0.167) 0.016 (0.135) 0.012
h10 2.210 (0.849) 1.941 (0.810) 3.709 (0.984) 4.224 (0.992) 0.16
h20 4.360 (0.714) 4.125 (0.683) 5.458 (0.810) 5.897 (0.857) 1.142
h30 6.130 (0.524) 5.975 (0.500) 6.987 (0.611) 7.331 (0.659) 3.012
h40 7.699 (0.365) 7.578 (0.341) 8.389 (0.429) 8.678 (0.476) 5.071
h50 9.188 (0.270) 9.090 (0.246) 9.756 (0.325) 10.018 (0.357) 7.012
h60 10.682 (0.198) 10.591 (0.190) 11.161 (0.246) 11.384 (0.262) 8.899
h70 12.244 (0.159) 12.162 (0.159) 12.621 (0.175) 12.808 (0.198) 10.861
h80 13.986 (0.103) 13.915 (0.095) 14.271 (0.151) 14.400 (0.151) 12.891
h90 16.049 (0.079) 16.013 (0.079) 16.232 (0.095) 16.330 (0.111) 15.298
h95 17.508 (0.071) 17.483 (0.063) 17.641 (0.079) 17.707 (0.087) 16.961
h99 19.637 (0.063) 19.623 (0.056) 19.709 (0.071) 19.746 (0.079) 19.373
hvol 8.288 (0.468) 8.081 (0.444) 9.566 (0.563) 10.184 (0.651) 5.471
L_cv 0.321 (0.683) 0.331 (0.627) 0.273 (0.825) 0.254 (0.897) 0.463
L_kurt 0.063 (0.468) 0.060 (0.452) 0.061 (0.460) 0.059 (0.444) 0.018
L_skew 0.018 (0.254) 0.018 (0.262) 0.037 (0.198) 0.044 (0.183) 0.108
L2 2.901 (0.190) 2.936 (0.183) 2.651 (0.294) 2.562 (0.325) 3.212
L3 0.034 (0.286) 0.035 (0.286) 0.082 (0.262) 0.096 (0.278) 0.282
L4 0.160 (0.476) 0.155 (0.460) 0.147 (0.452) 0.138 (0.444) -0.006
max 21.897 (0.000) 21.897 (0.000) 21.897 (0.000) 21.897 (0.000) 21.897
min 0.103 (1.000) 0.012 (0.365) 1.066 (1.000) 2.024 (1.000) 0
n 4,572.484 (0.175) 4,620.659 (0.167) 4,257.976 (0.238) 4,103.238 (0.286) 5502.119
quad_mean 10.573 (0.190) 10.502 (0.175) 10.980 (0.222) 11.170 (0.254) 9.407
quad_mean_c 11.321 (0.000) 11.321 (0.000) 11.321 (0.000) 11.321 (0.000) 11.321
rpc1 0.708 (0.190) 0.705 (0.175) 0.733 (0.246) 0.742 (0.270) 0.661
z_kurt -0.574 (0.286) -0.589 (0.294) -0.558 (0.302) -0.553 (0.294) -0.449
z_skew 0.088 (0.206) 0.087 (0.214) 0.171 (0.135) 0.199 (0.127) 0.36
zmean 9.218 (0.349) 9.098 (0.333) 9.904 (0.389) 10.190 (0.437) 7.374
zmean_c 10.405 (0.000) 10.405 (0.000) 10.405 (0.000) 10.405 (0.000) 10.405
Columbia & Rensselaer
cancov 0.922 (0.739) 0.905 (0.739) 0.941 (0.826) 1.000 (1.000) 0.658
cv 0.487 (0.739) 0.511 (0.652) 0.461 (0.783) 0.413 (0.870) 0.894
cv_c 0.391 (0.000) 0.391 (0.000) 0.391 (0.000) 0.391 (0.000) 0.391
d10 0.922 (0.826) 0.909 (0.783) 0.897 (0.696) 0.902 (0.739) 0.66
d20 0.826 (0.609) 0.815 (0.609) 0.811 (0.609) 0.822 (0.652) 0.597
d30 0.743 (0.565) 0.734 (0.565) 0.732 (0.565) 0.742 (0.565) 0.54
d40 0.655 (0.565) 0.647 (0.522) 0.640 (0.522) 0.641 (0.478) 0.476
d50 0.545 (0.478) 0.539 (0.478) 0.528 (0.478) 0.525 (0.478) 0.397
d60 0.415 (0.522) 0.411 (0.522) 0.398 (0.478) 0.392 (0.348) 0.302
d70 0.268 (0.304) 0.265 (0.304) 0.253 (0.261) 0.244 (0.261) 0.194
d80 0.120 (0.261) 0.120 (0.304) 0.112 (0.217) 0.107 (0.217) 0.087
d90 0.024 (0.261) 0.024 (0.261) 0.023 (0.217) 0.022 (0.174) 0.017
h10 4.615 (0.913) 4.231 (0.913) 4.965 (0.913) 5.549 (0.913) 0.59
h20 7.189 (0.783) 6.838 (0.783) 7.473 (0.783) 8.080 (0.783) 1.592
h30 9.440 (0.652) 9.162 (0.652) 9.715 (0.652) 10.258 (0.696) 3.232
h40 11.449 (0.522) 11.227 (0.478) 11.697 (0.522) 12.224 (0.565) 6.218
h50 13.270 (0.478) 13.106 (0.478) 13.484 (0.478) 13.964 (0.522) 8.999
h60 14.866 (0.348) 14.744 (0.348) 15.000 (0.348) 15.425 (0.391) 11.777
h70 16.295 (0.261) 16.203 (0.217) 16.441 (0.261) 16.808 (0.304) 14.301
h80 17.826 (0.217) 17.756 (0.217) 17.946 (0.217) 18.177 (0.217) 16.424
h90 19.626 (0.174) 19.580 (0.130) 19.686 (0.174) 19.813 (0.174) 18.688
h95 20.808 (0.130) 20.772 (0.130) 20.850 (0.130) 20.939 (0.130) 20.204
h99 22.575 (0.130) 22.555 (0.130) 22.588 (0.130) 22.626 (0.130) 22.247
hvol 12.037 (0.565) 11.680 (0.478) 12.404 (0.565) 13.286 (0.652) 6.702
L_cv 0.273 (0.696) 0.286 (0.696) 0.260 (0.739) 0.235 (0.826) 0.481
L_kurt 0.054 (0.609) 0.055 (0.609) 0.050 (0.652) 0.047 (0.652) -0.023
L_skew -0.049 (0.435) -0.052 (0.435) -0.048 (0.435) -0.061 (0.478) 0.094
L2 3.171 (0.522) 3.248 (0.478) 3.106 (0.522) 3.004 (0.565) 3.946
L3 -0.206 (0.478) -0.221 (0.478) -0.199 (0.522) -0.218 (0.565) 0.236
L4 0.151 (0.609) 0.156 (0.609) 0.143 (0.652) 0.136 (0.652) -0.169
max 24.404 (0.000) 24.404 (0.000) 24.404 (0.000) 24.404 (0.000) 24.404
min 0.112 (1.000) 0.018 (0.957) 1.099 (1.000) 2.029 (1.000) 0
n 4,714.478 (0.522) 4,785.391 (0.522) 4,640.478 (0.522) 4,471.870 (0.609) 6571.348
quad_mean 13.908 (0.348) 13.793 (0.304) 14.036 (0.348) 14.335 (0.348) 11.825
quad_mean_c 14.484 (0.000) 14.484 (0.000) 14.484 (0.000) 14.484 (0.000) 14.484
rpc1 0.459 (0.565) 0.455 (0.565) 0.462 (0.565) 0.468 (0.565) 0.396
z_kurt -0.608 (0.478) -0.586 (0.478) -0.663 (0.522) -0.720 (0.435) -0.774
z_skew -0.221 (0.435) -0.232 (0.435) -0.216 (0.391) -0.250 (0.391) 0.205
zmean 12.643 (0.435) 12.444 (0.435) 12.851 (0.435) 13.286 (0.478) 9.254
zmean_c 13.504 (0.000) 13.504 (0.000) 13.504 (0.000) 13.504 (0.000) 13.504
Erie, Genesee & Livingston
cancov 0.863 (0.889) 0.823 (0.778) 0.896 (0.889) 1.000 (1.000) 0.449
cv 0.536 (0.889) 0.593 (0.778) 0.494 (0.889) 0.418 (1.000) 1.375
cv_c 0.394 (0.000) 0.394 (0.000) 0.394 (0.000) 0.394 (0.000) 0.394
d10 0.894 (0.889) 0.856 (0.889) 0.861 (0.778) 0.895 (0.889) 0.452
d20 0.783 (0.667) 0.752 (0.667) 0.768 (0.667) 0.808 (0.778) 0.411
d30 0.684 (0.667) 0.653 (0.667) 0.682 (0.667) 0.706 (0.778) 0.367
d40 0.601 (0.667) 0.573 (0.556) 0.591 (0.667) 0.607 (0.667) 0.327
d50 0.496 (0.667) 0.473 (0.556) 0.479 (0.667) 0.486 (0.556) 0.277
d60 0.369 (0.556) 0.353 (0.444) 0.358 (0.556) 0.361 (0.444) 0.212
d70 0.247 (0.333) 0.236 (0.333) 0.239 (0.333) 0.238 (0.333) 0.145
d80 0.126 (0.333) 0.121 (0.333) 0.122 (0.333) 0.121 (0.444) 0.075
d90 0.035 (0.444) 0.034 (0.444) 0.034 (0.444) 0.034 (0.444) 0.02
h10 4.073 (1.000) 3.117 (1.000) 4.601 (1.000) 5.720 (1.000) 0
h20 6.732 (1.000) 5.416 (1.000) 7.217 (1.000) 8.087 (1.000) 0
h30 8.886 (0.778) 7.787 (0.778) 9.306 (0.778) 10.240 (0.778) 1.054
h40 10.882 (0.778) 10.197 (0.778) 11.206 (0.778) 11.955 (0.778) 2.827
h50 12.609 (0.556) 12.200 (0.556) 12.891 (0.556) 13.668 (0.667) 4.674
h60 14.312 (0.444) 13.955 (0.444) 14.624 (0.556) 15.215 (0.556) 7.785
h70 16.022 (0.444) 15.737 (0.444) 16.232 (0.444) 16.616 (0.444) 11.185
h80 17.554 (0.333) 17.382 (0.333) 17.683 (0.333) 17.984 (0.333) 13.961
h90 19.399 (0.222) 19.268 (0.222) 19.495 (0.222) 19.777 (0.222) 17.142
h95 21.062 (0.222) 20.983 (0.222) 21.136 (0.222) 21.306 (0.333) 19.117
h99 23.231 (0.333) 23.188 (0.333) 23.297 (0.333) 23.414 (0.333) 22.214
hvol 11.263 (0.667) 10.244 (0.556) 11.883 (0.667) 13.223 (0.667) 3.948
L_cv 0.300 (0.889) 0.332 (0.778) 0.277 (0.889) 0.236 (1.000) 0.642
L_kurt 0.059 (0.667) 0.045 (0.556) 0.052 (0.667) 0.060 (0.667) 0.062
L_skew -0.013 (0.667) -0.008 (0.667) -0.005 (0.667) -0.022 (0.778) 0.334
L2 3.289 (0.556) 3.504 (0.333) 3.169 (0.556) 3.005 (0.667) 3.752
L3 -0.147 (0.667) -0.137 (0.667) -0.121 (0.667) -0.136 (0.667) 0.796
L4 0.181 (0.667) 0.124 (0.556) 0.163 (0.667) 0.169 (0.667) -0.109
max 24.723 (0.000) 24.723 (0.000) 24.723 (0.000) 24.723 (0.000) 24.723
min 0.101 (1.000) 0.005 (0.556) 1.010 (1.000) 2.025 (1.000) 0
n 3,478.111 (0.556) 3,615.000 (0.444) 3,397.000 (0.556) 3,243.444 (0.667) 6147.333
quad_mean 13.632 (0.444) 13.289 (0.444) 13.840 (0.444) 14.288 (0.444) 10.076
quad_mean_c 14.454 (0.000) 14.454 (0.000) 14.454 (0.000) 14.454 (0.000) 14.454
rpc1 0.659 (0.444) 0.644 (0.444) 0.667 (0.444) 0.667 (0.444) 0.573
z_kurt -0.474 (0.556) -0.551 (0.444) -0.537 (0.556) -0.560 (0.556) 0.781
z_skew -0.064 (0.556) -0.045 (0.556) -0.029 (0.556) -0.066 (0.556) 0.992
zmean 12.226 (0.556) 11.632 (0.556) 12.573 (0.556) 13.223 (0.556) 6.892
zmean_c 13.457 (0.000) 13.457 (0.000) 13.457 (0.000) 13.457 (0.000) 13.457
Franklin & St. Lawrence
cancov 0.872 (0.876) 0.795 (0.796) 0.935 (0.956) 0.990 (0.991) 0.483
cv 0.576 (0.867) 0.717 (0.770) 0.484 (0.965) 0.445 (0.982) 1.343
cv_c 0.423 (0.000) 0.423 (0.000) 0.423 (0.000) 0.423 (0.000) 0.423
d10 0.878 (0.885) 0.797 (0.796) 0.898 (0.938) 0.867 (0.912) 0.483
d20 0.767 (0.841) 0.697 (0.726) 0.775 (0.841) 0.743 (0.788) 0.423
d30 0.648 (0.752) 0.589 (0.655) 0.650 (0.779) 0.622 (0.717) 0.356
d40 0.527 (0.664) 0.479 (0.593) 0.524 (0.664) 0.500 (0.619) 0.289
d50 0.404 (0.531) 0.368 (0.451) 0.399 (0.531) 0.380 (0.487) 0.221
d60 0.284 (0.460) 0.260 (0.398) 0.278 (0.434) 0.263 (0.398) 0.155
d70 0.173 (0.407) 0.157 (0.327) 0.168 (0.372) 0.159 (0.336) 0.093
d80 0.085 (0.345) 0.076 (0.292) 0.082 (0.327) 0.077 (0.319) 0.044
d90 0.025 (0.345) 0.022 (0.310) 0.024 (0.354) 0.023 (0.336) 0.013
h10 2.543 (1.000) 0.908 (0.991) 3.705 (1.000) 4.234 (0.991) 0
h20 4.577 (0.965) 3.232 (0.956) 5.441 (0.991) 5.886 (0.982) 0.047
h30 6.268 (0.894) 5.130 (0.823) 6.981 (0.929) 7.350 (0.938) 0.267
h40 7.812 (0.779) 6.905 (0.735) 8.396 (0.805) 8.721 (0.832) 1.01
h50 9.255 (0.655) 8.512 (0.602) 9.767 (0.681) 10.054 (0.699) 2.854
h60 10.710 (0.558) 10.115 (0.513) 11.152 (0.602) 11.412 (0.611) 5.512
h70 12.239 (0.416) 11.742 (0.381) 12.609 (0.442) 12.846 (0.487) 8.15
h80 13.976 (0.292) 13.595 (0.265) 14.275 (0.345) 14.447 (0.354) 10.886
h90 16.047 (0.230) 15.794 (0.204) 16.221 (0.248) 16.325 (0.257) 14.093
h95 17.466 (0.177) 17.281 (0.168) 17.593 (0.186) 17.705 (0.186) 16.116
h99 19.586 (0.115) 19.477 (0.115) 19.657 (0.124) 19.689 (0.124) 18.887
hvol 8.451 (0.752) 7.180 (0.664) 9.499 (0.850) 10.205 (0.885) 2.799
L_cv 0.324 (0.876) 0.389 (0.788) 0.273 (0.973) 0.252 (0.991) 0.631
L_kurt 0.060 (0.487) 0.054 (0.389) 0.061 (0.487) 0.060 (0.504) 0.04
L_skew 0.025 (0.690) 0.050 (0.637) 0.038 (0.673) 0.047 (0.664) 0.33
L2 2.848 (0.195) 3.055 (0.106) 2.651 (0.274) 2.562 (0.319) 3.06
L3 0.042 (0.770) 0.071 (0.726) 0.079 (0.761) 0.089 (0.761) 0.858
L4 0.165 (0.504) 0.119 (0.425) 0.145 (0.496) 0.133 (0.496) -0.027
max 21.305 (0.000) 21.305 (0.000) 21.305 (0.000) 21.291 (0.009) 21.305
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.003 (0.239) 1.067 (1.000) 2.005 (0.991) 0
n 2,177.230 (0.513) 2,408.938 (0.487) 2,067.088 (0.540) 1,985.504 (0.558) 3882.947
quad_mean 10.632 (0.434) 10.169 (0.363) 10.987 (0.478) 11.196 (0.531) 7.866
quad_mean_c 11.361 (0.000) 11.361 (0.000) 11.361 (0.000) 11.361 (0.000) 11.361
rpc1 0.715 (0.327) 0.699 (0.301) 0.731 (0.363) 0.729 (0.372) 0.616
z_kurt -0.559 (0.195) -0.372 (0.177) -0.516 (0.195) -0.469 (0.204) 1.516
z_skew 0.101 (0.584) 0.196 (0.566) 0.174 (0.549) 0.213 (0.531) 1.046
zmean 9.310 (0.628) 8.543 (0.558) 9.900 (0.699) 10.212 (0.735) 5.193
zmean_c 10.440 (0.000) 10.440 (0.000) 10.440 (0.000) 10.440 (0.000) 10.44
Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin
cancov 0.894 (0.979) 0.887 (0.979) 0.955 (0.979) 1.000 (1.000) 0.654
cv 0.559 (0.957) 0.569 (0.957) 0.483 (0.979) 0.445 (1.000) 0.934
cv_c 0.425 (0.000) 0.425 (0.000) 0.425 (0.000) 0.425 (0.000) 0.425
d10 0.881 (0.979) 0.877 (0.979) 0.898 (0.957) 0.897 (0.957) 0.645
d20 0.780 (0.915) 0.776 (0.915) 0.800 (0.915) 0.796 (0.894) 0.575
d30 0.681 (0.830) 0.678 (0.830) 0.698 (0.830) 0.690 (0.809) 0.506
d40 0.572 (0.745) 0.570 (0.745) 0.584 (0.787) 0.573 (0.766) 0.427
d50 0.453 (0.596) 0.451 (0.596) 0.458 (0.617) 0.445 (0.596) 0.339
d60 0.324 (0.511) 0.323 (0.511) 0.324 (0.511) 0.313 (0.447) 0.243
d70 0.198 (0.340) 0.198 (0.340) 0.198 (0.340) 0.189 (0.319) 0.149
d80 0.092 (0.277) 0.092 (0.277) 0.092 (0.255) 0.089 (0.213) 0.069
d90 0.026 (0.213) 0.026 (0.213) 0.026 (0.213) 0.025 (0.191) 0.019
h10 2.308 (1.000) 2.044 (1.000) 4.001 (1.000) 4.702 (1.000) 0
h20 5.079 (0.957) 4.908 (0.957) 6.389 (0.979) 7.003 (1.000) 0.181
h30 7.532 (0.851) 7.396 (0.851) 8.567 (0.851) 9.091 (0.872) 1.856
h40 9.763 (0.723) 9.667 (0.723) 10.574 (0.787) 10.980 (0.809) 4.947
h50 11.772 (0.553) 11.700 (0.532) 12.381 (0.617) 12.701 (0.681) 8.033
h60 13.629 (0.404) 13.569 (0.383) 14.078 (0.468) 14.341 (0.511) 10.792
h70 15.382 (0.319) 15.342 (0.319) 15.714 (0.383) 15.917 (0.404) 13.308
h80 17.208 (0.277) 17.176 (0.277) 17.440 (0.277) 17.586 (0.298) 15.721
h90 19.369 (0.149) 19.343 (0.149) 19.529 (0.170) 19.621 (0.191) 18.352
h95 20.869 (0.149) 20.853 (0.149) 21.011 (0.170) 21.096 (0.170) 20.175
h99 23.055 (0.085) 23.046 (0.085) 23.114 (0.085) 23.142 (0.085) 22.675
hvol 10.249 (0.809) 10.081 (0.787) 11.663 (0.830) 12.449 (0.851) 5.779
L_cv 0.319 (0.979) 0.324 (0.979) 0.275 (1.000) 0.254 (1.000) 0.504
L_kurt 0.042 (0.809) 0.040 (0.787) 0.047 (0.851) 0.050 (0.851) -0.035
L_skew -0.025 (0.660) -0.025 (0.660) -0.013 (0.638) -0.009 (0.638) 0.127
L2 3.570 (0.426) 3.604 (0.404) 3.273 (0.532) 3.146 (0.596) 4.043
L3 -0.114 (0.702) -0.115 (0.702) -0.065 (0.681) -0.049 (0.681) 0.412
L4 0.135 (0.787) 0.130 (0.787) 0.141 (0.851) 0.142 (0.872) -0.206
max 24.983 (0.000) 24.983 (0.000) 24.983 (0.000) 24.983 (0.000) 24.983
min 0.101 (1.000) 0.016 (0.745) 1.023 (1.000) 2.011 (1.000) 0
n 2,937.702 (0.404) 2,961.830 (0.383) 2,738.170 (0.489) 2,641.702 (0.511) 3902.723
quad_mean 12.952 (0.362) 12.898 (0.340) 13.385 (0.426) 13.626 (0.489) 11.119
quad_mean_c 13.774 (0.000) 13.774 (0.000) 13.774 (0.000) 13.774 (0.000) 13.774
rpc1 0.561 (0.255) 0.560 (0.277) 0.584 (0.149) 0.592 (0.106) 0.597
z_kurt -0.665 (0.638) -0.685 (0.638) -0.582 (0.660) -0.541 (0.723) -0.585
z_skew -0.056 (0.553) -0.057 (0.553) -0.007 (0.532) 0.018 (0.532) 0.367
zmean 11.332 (0.596) 11.239 (0.596) 12.082 (0.745) 12.454 (0.787) 8.414
zmean_c 12.674 (0.000) 12.674 (0.000) 12.674 (0.000) 12.674 (0.000) 12.674
Great Lakes
cancov 0.815 (0.750) 0.699 (0.562) 0.888 (0.859) 0.998 (1.000) 0.435
cv 0.607 (0.828) 0.795 (0.578) 0.513 (0.922) 0.443 (0.969) 1.393
cv_c 0.411 (0.000) 0.411 (0.000) 0.411 (0.000) 0.411 (0.000) 0.411
d10 0.849 (0.859) 0.730 (0.641) 0.846 (0.844) 0.834 (0.828) 0.448
d20 0.714 (0.703) 0.619 (0.531) 0.708 (0.656) 0.699 (0.656) 0.383
d30 0.589 (0.578) 0.511 (0.438) 0.585 (0.594) 0.576 (0.562) 0.32
d40 0.473 (0.547) 0.410 (0.438) 0.466 (0.516) 0.458 (0.500) 0.26
d50 0.360 (0.469) 0.313 (0.406) 0.357 (0.438) 0.353 (0.438) 0.2
d60 0.255 (0.391) 0.221 (0.312) 0.254 (0.375) 0.250 (0.375) 0.143
d70 0.156 (0.312) 0.134 (0.250) 0.155 (0.312) 0.151 (0.312) 0.088
d80 0.067 (0.297) 0.057 (0.234) 0.067 (0.297) 0.064 (0.281) 0.037
d90 0.016 (0.297) 0.013 (0.234) 0.016 (0.297) 0.016 (0.312) 0.008
h10 2.394 (0.969) 1.159 (0.953) 3.369 (0.969) 4.142 (0.969) 0.188
h20 4.052 (0.953) 2.401 (0.922) 4.846 (0.969) 5.593 (0.969) 0.422
h30 5.371 (0.906) 3.778 (0.828) 6.173 (0.922) 6.860 (0.938) 0.666
h40 6.695 (0.750) 5.225 (0.641) 7.438 (0.781) 8.085 (0.828) 1.634
h50 8.033 (0.625) 6.493 (0.500) 8.689 (0.641) 9.269 (0.656) 2.871
h60 9.407 (0.438) 8.106 (0.391) 9.968 (0.484) 10.461 (0.547) 4.702
h70 10.835 (0.359) 9.873 (0.297) 11.298 (0.391) 11.722 (0.453) 6.638
h80 12.422 (0.312) 11.736 (0.250) 12.781 (0.344) 13.143 (0.391) 9.032
h90 14.424 (0.203) 13.960 (0.172) 14.640 (0.219) 14.911 (0.234) 12.252
h95 15.815 (0.141) 15.485 (0.125) 15.963 (0.156) 16.146 (0.188) 14.32
h99 17.879 (0.109) 17.704 (0.094) 17.967 (0.109) 18.073 (0.125) 17.088
hvol 7.208 (0.547) 5.587 (0.438) 8.256 (0.625) 9.416 (0.719) 2.608
L_cv 0.337 (0.828) 0.431 (0.594) 0.285 (0.953) 0.248 (0.969) 0.65
L_kurt 0.076 (0.328) 0.051 (0.234) 0.069 (0.344) 0.068 (0.391) 0.094
L_skew 0.061 (0.641) 0.114 (0.516) 0.072 (0.625) 0.071 (0.641) 0.367
L2 2.554 (0.125) 2.706 (0.141) 2.394 (0.156) 2.282 (0.203) 2.576
L3 0.108 (0.625) 0.261 (0.469) 0.106 (0.656) 0.093 (0.672) 0.733
L4 0.147 (0.312) 0.089 (0.219) 0.131 (0.344) 0.128 (0.375) 0.089
max 19.837 (0.000) 19.837 (0.000) 19.837 (0.000) 19.837 (0.000) 19.837
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.008 (0.438) 1.013 (1.000) 2.004 (1.000) 0
n 4,394.766 (0.531) 5,136.219 (0.406) 4,059.469 (0.578) 3,747.016 (0.594) 8075.203
quad_mean 9.519 (0.312) 8.801 (0.266) 9.910 (0.344) 10.302 (0.422) 7.004
quad_mean_c 10.529 (0.000) 10.529 (0.000) 10.529 (0.000) 10.529 (0.000) 10.529
rpc1 0.631 (0.281) 0.624 (0.281) 0.644 (0.297) 0.653 (0.312) 0.584
z_kurt -0.084 (0.281) -0.068 (0.266) -0.134 (0.266) -0.179 (0.266) 1.296
z_skew 0.239 (0.547) 0.378 (0.406) 0.300 (0.516) 0.305 (0.516) 1.148
zmean 8.254 (0.453) 7.141 (0.344) 8.879 (0.484) 9.425 (0.547) 4.652
zmean_c 9.725 (0.000) 9.725 (0.000) 9.725 (0.000) 9.725 (0.000) 9.725
Long Island
cancov 0.781 (0.962) 0.612 (0.731) 0.958 (1.000) 0.999 (1.000) 0.438
cv 0.690 (0.885) 0.946 (0.731) 0.455 (0.962) 0.420 (1.000) 1.305
cv_c 0.392 (0.000) 0.392 (0.000) 0.392 (0.000) 0.392 (0.000) 0.392
d10 0.786 (0.962) 0.618 (0.731) 0.905 (0.962) 0.858 (0.846) 0.443
d20 0.687 (0.808) 0.544 (0.692) 0.785 (0.846) 0.776 (0.846) 0.386
d30 0.605 (0.731) 0.477 (0.577) 0.710 (0.769) 0.702 (0.769) 0.336
d40 0.539 (0.692) 0.426 (0.577) 0.630 (0.769) 0.617 (0.769) 0.3
d50 0.461 (0.654) 0.364 (0.538) 0.531 (0.731) 0.518 (0.731) 0.255
d60 0.366 (0.654) 0.288 (0.500) 0.415 (0.769) 0.397 (0.731) 0.201
d70 0.254 (0.615) 0.198 (0.385) 0.286 (0.654) 0.272 (0.615) 0.137
d80 0.142 (0.462) 0.110 (0.346) 0.160 (0.500) 0.148 (0.462) 0.073
d90 0.052 (0.308) 0.040 (0.269) 0.054 (0.346) 0.047 (0.346) 0.026
h10 0.203 (1.000) 0.061 (0.962) 3.783 (1.000) 4.273 (1.000) 0
h20 1.829 (0.962) 0.172 (0.885) 5.474 (1.000) 5.848 (1.000) 0.013
h30 4.389 (0.962) 0.763 (0.808) 6.911 (1.000) 7.184 (1.000) 0.09
h40 6.319 (0.923) 2.644 (0.769) 8.086 (0.962) 8.335 (0.962) 0.283
h50 7.853 (0.846) 5.531 (0.692) 9.193 (0.846) 9.429 (0.846) 1.13
h60 9.249 (0.654) 7.727 (0.577) 10.261 (0.731) 10.524 (0.731) 3.402
h70 10.641 (0.500) 9.484 (0.423) 11.513 (0.538) 11.754 (0.577) 6.931
h80 12.216 (0.346) 11.433 (0.269) 12.873 (0.423) 13.025 (0.423) 9.875
h90 14.120 (0.231) 13.451 (0.192) 14.537 (0.269) 14.629 (0.269) 12.527
h95 15.258 (0.154) 14.902 (0.154) 15.500 (0.192) 15.541 (0.192) 14.288
h99 16.646 (0.115) 16.495 (0.077) 16.757 (0.115) 16.772 (0.115) 16.242
hvol 5.918 (0.846) 3.718 (0.577) 8.828 (0.962) 9.444 (0.962) 1.938
L_cv 0.379 (0.923) 0.512 (0.731) 0.248 (1.000) 0.230 (1.000) 0.652
L_kurt 0.033 (0.308) -0.050 (0.346) 0.092 (0.462) 0.084 (0.423) 0.013
L_skew -0.014 (0.731) 0.139 (0.654) -0.016 (0.769) -0.007 (0.769) 0.356
L2 2.821 (0.192) 2.980 (0.231) 2.241 (0.308) 2.161 (0.346) 2.697
L3 -0.015 (0.731) 0.397 (0.538) -0.012 (0.731) 0.003 (0.731) 0.923
L4 0.026 (0.269) -0.188 (0.308) 0.138 (0.500) 0.119 (0.423) -0.013
max 17.655 (0.000) 17.655 (0.000) 17.655 (0.000) 17.655 (0.000) 17.655
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.002 (0.154) 1.066 (1.000) 2.014 (1.000) 0
n 1,498.769 (0.769) 1,902.077 (0.692) 1,229.231 (0.846) 1,180.115 (0.846) 2608.808
quad_mean 9.093 (0.385) 8.067 (0.308) 10.078 (0.462) 10.272 (0.538) 6.794
quad_mean_c 10.466 (0.000) 10.466 (0.000) 10.466 (0.000) 10.466 (0.000) 10.466
rpc1 0.835 (0.731) 0.793 (0.654) 0.895 (0.808) 0.900 (0.808) 0.726
z_kurt -0.609 (0.231) -0.784 (0.385) -0.023 (0.308) 0.092 (0.269) -0.119
z_skew -0.006 (0.731) 0.413 (0.577) -0.118 (0.731) -0.125 (0.731) 0.967
zmean 7.508 (0.654) 5.932 (0.462) 9.165 (0.769) 9.448 (0.808) 4.228
zmean_c 9.712 (0.000) 9.712 (0.000) 9.712 (0.000) 9.712 (0.000) 9.712
Madison & Otsego
cancov 0.884 (0.879) 0.766 (0.672) 0.977 (0.983) 0.983 (0.983) 0.588
cv 0.515 (0.897) 0.699 (0.655) 0.384 (0.983) 0.378 (1.000) 1.04
cv_c 0.375 (0.000) 0.375 (0.000) 0.375 (0.000) 0.375 (0.000) 0.375
d10 0.894 (0.897) 0.781 (0.707) 0.956 (0.966) 0.934 (0.966) 0.592
d20 0.834 (0.879) 0.729 (0.655) 0.868 (0.948) 0.835 (0.914) 0.554
d30 0.736 (0.793) 0.642 (0.534) 0.757 (0.845) 0.718 (0.741) 0.49
d40 0.615 (0.621) 0.534 (0.379) 0.625 (0.638) 0.592 (0.534) 0.41
d50 0.486 (0.483) 0.423 (0.379) 0.487 (0.500) 0.456 (0.414) 0.325
d60 0.347 (0.448) 0.303 (0.310) 0.342 (0.431) 0.319 (0.397) 0.233
d70 0.208 (0.431) 0.183 (0.310) 0.204 (0.414) 0.190 (0.362) 0.14
d80 0.094 (0.466) 0.082 (0.345) 0.092 (0.414) 0.085 (0.328) 0.062
d90 0.022 (0.328) 0.019 (0.241) 0.022 (0.310) 0.020 (0.259) 0.014
h10 3.292 (0.983) 0.536 (0.966) 5.666 (0.983) 5.761 (0.983) 0.003
h20 6.121 (0.948) 3.470 (0.759) 7.690 (0.948) 7.779 (0.948) 0.253
h30 8.222 (0.776) 6.193 (0.569) 9.386 (0.845) 9.447 (0.845) 1.663
h40 10.035 (0.603) 8.373 (0.448) 10.941 (0.690) 10.990 (0.707) 4.834
h50 11.748 (0.466) 10.376 (0.362) 12.449 (0.552) 12.496 (0.552) 7.324
h60 13.294 (0.345) 12.219 (0.293) 13.822 (0.397) 13.857 (0.397) 9.645
h70 14.805 (0.293) 13.951 (0.259) 15.221 (0.310) 15.248 (0.310) 11.965
h80 16.416 (0.259) 15.841 (0.207) 16.762 (0.293) 16.780 (0.293) 14.4
h90 18.373 (0.224) 18.012 (0.172) 18.584 (0.241) 18.597 (0.241) 17.137
h95 19.663 (0.138) 19.405 (0.103) 19.832 (0.155) 19.842 (0.155) 18.837
h99 21.488 (0.103) 21.364 (0.103) 21.574 (0.121) 21.578 (0.121) 21.072
hvol 10.340 (0.672) 8.181 (0.466) 12.219 (0.759) 12.333 (0.776) 5.123
L_cv 0.292 (0.897) 0.386 (0.655) 0.219 (0.983) 0.216 (1.000) 0.535
L_kurt 0.064 (0.707) 0.029 (0.534) 0.056 (0.776) 0.054 (0.776) -0.005
L_skew -0.045 (0.603) 0.007 (0.448) -0.005 (0.431) -0.001 (0.431) 0.17
L2 3.172 (0.466) 3.533 (0.224) 2.727 (0.638) 2.706 (0.638) 3.722
L3 -0.179 (0.621) -0.079 (0.448) -0.034 (0.500) -0.028 (0.500) 0.409
L4 0.204 (0.707) 0.077 (0.552) 0.145 (0.776) 0.141 (0.776) -0.145
max 23.356 (0.000) 23.356 (0.000) 23.351 (0.017) 23.351 (0.017) 23.356
min 0.101 (1.000) 0.002 (0.517) 1.378 (0.983) 2.209 (0.983) 0
n 2,302.276 (0.466) 2,601.534 (0.414) 2,127.362 (0.517) 2,116.345 (0.517) 3378.845
quad_mean 12.625 (0.362) 11.820 (0.276) 13.189 (0.431) 13.223 (0.431) 10.363
quad_mean_c 13.241 (0.000) 13.241 (0.000) 13.241 (0.000) 13.241 (0.000) 13.241
rpc1 0.540 (0.534) 0.524 (0.414) 0.549 (0.569) 0.550 (0.569) 0.478
z_kurt -0.587 (0.569) -0.799 (0.397) -0.713 (0.569) -0.736 (0.552) -0.607
z_skew -0.215 (0.552) -0.042 (0.362) -0.014 (0.328) 0.007 (0.310) 0.435
zmean 11.283 (0.534) 9.953 (0.328) 12.279 (0.603) 12.333 (0.603) 7.744
zmean_c 12.359 (0.000) 12.359 (0.000) 12.359 (0.000) 12.359 (0.000) 12.359
Oneida Subbasin
cancov 0.863 (0.882) 0.831 (0.824) 0.907 (0.882) 0.998 (1.000) 0.329
cv 0.578 (0.941) 0.625 (0.941) 0.522 (0.941) 0.468 (1.000) 2.031
cv_c 0.441 (0.000) 0.441 (0.000) 0.441 (0.000) 0.441 (0.000) 0.441
d10 0.884 (0.941) 0.863 (0.882) 0.862 (0.882) 0.850 (0.882) 0.331
d20 0.748 (0.882) 0.741 (0.882) 0.728 (0.824) 0.711 (0.765) 0.291
d30 0.605 (0.765) 0.599 (0.765) 0.596 (0.765) 0.590 (0.765) 0.24
d40 0.497 (0.765) 0.484 (0.765) 0.501 (0.765) 0.502 (0.765) 0.195
d50 0.409 (0.647) 0.396 (0.647) 0.414 (0.647) 0.422 (0.706) 0.156
d60 0.330 (0.588) 0.323 (0.588) 0.333 (0.588) 0.333 (0.647) 0.124
d70 0.238 (0.529) 0.231 (0.529) 0.235 (0.529) 0.235 (0.588) 0.085
d80 0.136 (0.529) 0.132 (0.529) 0.137 (0.529) 0.135 (0.529) 0.047
d90 0.047 (0.471) 0.046 (0.471) 0.047 (0.529) 0.049 (0.471) 0.014
h10 3.048 (1.000) 2.260 (1.000) 3.761 (1.000) 4.328 (1.000) 0
h20 4.603 (1.000) 4.172 (1.000) 5.416 (1.000) 6.006 (1.000) 0
h30 6.438 (1.000) 6.014 (1.000) 7.261 (1.000) 7.696 (1.000) 0
h40 8.033 (0.941) 7.578 (0.941) 8.733 (0.941) 9.120 (0.941) 0.35
h50 9.611 (0.882) 9.265 (0.824) 9.993 (0.882) 10.442 (0.882) 0.889
h60 10.978 (0.647) 10.718 (0.647) 11.401 (0.647) 11.848 (0.706) 2.883
h70 12.899 (0.588) 12.633 (0.588) 13.206 (0.588) 13.549 (0.588) 5.005
h80 14.551 (0.529) 14.441 (0.529) 14.723 (0.529) 15.381 (0.529) 8.408
h90 16.831 (0.294) 16.752 (0.294) 16.925 (0.294) 17.117 (0.294) 12.564
h95 18.027 (0.235) 17.991 (0.235) 18.086 (0.294) 18.290 (0.294) 14.56
h99 19.864 (0.294) 19.836 (0.294) 19.891 (0.294) 19.956 (0.294) 18.459
hvol 8.827 (0.824) 8.231 (0.765) 9.713 (0.824) 10.665 (0.882) 1.714
L_cv 0.315 (1.000) 0.341 (0.941) 0.283 (1.000) 0.259 (1.000) 0.75
L_kurt 0.067 (0.353) 0.070 (0.353) 0.068 (0.353) 0.057 (0.412) 0.231
L_skew 0.059 (0.765) 0.050 (0.824) 0.060 (0.765) 0.054 (0.765) 0.532
L2 2.919 (0.235) 3.026 (0.235) 2.757 (0.294) 2.713 (0.294) 2.583
L3 0.082 (0.824) 0.080 (0.824) 0.080 (0.824) 0.076 (0.765) 1.061
L4 0.118 (0.353) 0.121 (0.294) 0.123 (0.353) 0.096 (0.412) 0.196
max 21.236 (0.000) 21.236 (0.000) 21.236 (0.000) 21.236 (0.000) 21.236
min 0.252 (1.000) 0.025 (0.824) 1.141 (1.000) 2.139 (1.000) 0
n 717.941 (0.824) 741.471 (0.824) 681.647 (0.824) 654.824 (0.824) 1783.882
quad_mean 11.101 (0.588) 10.886 (0.588) 11.396 (0.588) 11.756 (0.588) 6.75
quad_mean_c 11.978 (0.000) 11.978 (0.000) 11.978 (0.000) 11.978 (0.000) 11.978
rpc1 0.723 (0.176) 0.722 (0.176) 0.730 (0.176) 0.734 (0.176) 0.723
z_kurt -0.020 (0.471) -0.083 (0.471) 0.017 (0.412) -0.273 (0.471) 6.596
z_skew 0.315 (0.765) 0.282 (0.765) 0.314 (0.765) 0.248 (0.765) 2.029
zmean 9.710 (0.706) 9.353 (0.706) 10.205 (0.706) 10.672 (0.765) 3.863
zmean_c 10.956 (0.000) 10.956 (0.000) 10.956 (0.000) 10.956 (0.000) 10.956
cancov 0.850 (0.467) 0.801 (0.333) 0.947 (0.767) 0.999 (1.000) 0.71
cv 0.568 (0.367) 0.661 (0.267) 0.428 (0.633) 0.390 (0.767) 0.871
cv_c 0.366 (0.000) 0.366 (0.000) 0.366 (0.000) 0.366 (0.000) 0.366
d10 0.856 (0.467) 0.809 (0.333) 0.909 (0.667) 0.911 (0.633) 0.715
d20 0.786 (0.367) 0.746 (0.267) 0.838 (0.533) 0.837 (0.533) 0.664
d30 0.715 (0.333) 0.679 (0.267) 0.755 (0.467) 0.741 (0.400) 0.605
d40 0.612 (0.333) 0.583 (0.233) 0.639 (0.367) 0.625 (0.300) 0.521
d50 0.496 (0.333) 0.473 (0.267) 0.513 (0.367) 0.499 (0.200) 0.422
d60 0.370 (0.267) 0.353 (0.233) 0.380 (0.233) 0.367 (0.167) 0.316
d70 0.242 (0.233) 0.231 (0.200) 0.247 (0.200) 0.237 (0.167) 0.207
d80 0.114 (0.167) 0.109 (0.167) 0.112 (0.133) 0.105 (0.133) 0.097
d90 0.021 (0.167) 0.020 (0.133) 0.021 (0.167) 0.020 (0.167) 0.017
h10 3.590 (0.633) 2.553 (0.500) 5.540 (0.767) 6.038 (0.767) 1.411
h20 6.401 (0.400) 5.536 (0.267) 7.753 (0.500) 8.166 (0.533) 3.731
h30 8.272 (0.233) 7.786 (0.200) 9.494 (0.367) 9.882 (0.367) 6.166
h40 10.006 (0.200) 9.437 (0.200) 11.039 (0.267) 11.375 (0.300) 8.263
h50 11.577 (0.200) 10.982 (0.167) 12.475 (0.233) 12.778 (0.233) 10.051
h60 13.210 (0.200) 12.712 (0.167) 13.858 (0.267) 14.217 (0.267) 11.611
h70 14.759 (0.167) 14.371 (0.133) 15.372 (0.200) 15.596 (0.233) 13.366
h80 16.220 (0.133) 15.997 (0.133) 16.741 (0.200) 16.918 (0.200) 15.299
h90 17.954 (0.133) 17.616 (0.100) 18.278 (0.167) 18.380 (0.167) 17.25
h95 19.104 (0.133) 18.906 (0.100) 19.362 (0.167) 19.453 (0.167) 18.472
h99 21.073 (0.100) 20.998 (0.100) 21.187 (0.100) 21.230 (0.100) 20.797
hvol 10.242 (0.333) 9.456 (0.233) 11.873 (0.467) 12.520 (0.500) 7.953
L_cv 0.310 (0.367) 0.349 (0.267) 0.240 (0.633) 0.219 (0.733) 0.425
L_kurt 0.064 (0.267) 0.064 (0.167) 0.061 (0.300) 0.061 (0.300) 0.06
L_skew -0.030 (0.167) -0.008 (0.167) -0.031 (0.200) -0.035 (0.200) 0.055
L2 3.019 (0.500) 3.132 (0.433) 2.717 (0.667) 2.645 (0.667) 3.305
L3 -0.165 (0.167) -0.150 (0.167) -0.121 (0.267) -0.125 (0.300) -0.055
L4 0.175 (0.200) 0.162 (0.167) 0.157 (0.233) 0.148 (0.233) 0.098
max 23.031 (0.000) 23.031 (0.000) 23.031 (0.000) 23.031 (0.000) 23.031
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.002 (0.133) 1.052 (1.000) 2.021 (1.000) 0
n 7,326.333 (0.233) 7,692.633 (0.200) 6,739.467 (0.267) 6,579.567 (0.300) 8653.9
quad_mean 12.593 (0.200) 12.258 (0.133) 13.186 (0.233) 13.403 (0.300) 11.569
quad_mean_c 13.566 (0.000) 13.566 (0.000) 13.566 (0.000) 13.566 (0.000) 13.566
rpc1 0.688 (0.233) 0.688 (0.233) 0.710 (0.367) 0.716 (0.367) 0.674
z_kurt -0.281 (0.200) -0.129 (0.200) -0.461 (0.233) -0.434 (0.200) 0.493
z_skew -0.157 (0.167) -0.073 (0.167) -0.120 (0.167) -0.110 (0.167) 0.18
zmean 11.259 (0.267) 10.739 (0.200) 12.219 (0.333) 12.528 (0.367) 9.696
zmean_c 12.755 (0.000) 12.755 (0.000) 12.755 (0.000) 12.755 (0.000) 12.755
Southwest (spring)
cancov 0.906 (0.865) 0.836 (0.730) 0.960 (0.973) 1.000 (1.000) 0.608
cv 0.497 (0.838) 0.601 (0.649) 0.422 (0.946) 0.383 (0.973) 0.957
cv_c 0.367 (0.000) 0.367 (0.000) 0.367 (0.000) 0.367 (0.000) 0.367
d10 0.891 (0.865) 0.824 (0.730) 0.914 (0.946) 0.918 (0.919) 0.6
d20 0.815 (0.730) 0.755 (0.649) 0.842 (0.838) 0.849 (0.865) 0.55
d30 0.753 (0.649) 0.699 (0.568) 0.780 (0.730) 0.786 (0.784) 0.509
d40 0.684 (0.595) 0.636 (0.486) 0.705 (0.622) 0.705 (0.622) 0.463
d50 0.597 (0.514) 0.556 (0.432) 0.610 (0.541) 0.605 (0.514) 0.405
d60 0.483 (0.459) 0.450 (0.405) 0.488 (0.459) 0.479 (0.405) 0.328
d70 0.331 (0.378) 0.308 (0.324) 0.329 (0.351) 0.318 (0.324) 0.224
d80 0.161 (0.324) 0.150 (0.297) 0.158 (0.324) 0.150 (0.297) 0.108
d90 0.039 (0.270) 0.035 (0.270) 0.038 (0.270) 0.036 (0.270) 0.026
h10 4.464 (1.000) 2.447 (1.000) 6.390 (1.000) 7.272 (1.000) 0
h20 8.128 (0.919) 5.658 (0.865) 9.877 (0.973) 10.534 (0.973) 0.132
h30 10.985 (0.730) 9.213 (0.649) 12.310 (0.784) 12.906 (0.838) 1.722
h40 13.572 (0.622) 12.044 (0.514) 14.322 (0.676) 14.727 (0.730) 5.172
h50 15.478 (0.486) 14.642 (0.405) 15.956 (0.486) 16.275 (0.541) 9.239
h60 17.040 (0.324) 16.532 (0.324) 17.387 (0.351) 17.644 (0.378) 13.282
h70 18.496 (0.270) 18.107 (0.243) 18.779 (0.297) 18.978 (0.297) 15.922
h80 20.021 (0.270) 19.740 (0.243) 20.260 (0.270) 20.402 (0.297) 18.359
h90 21.927 (0.189) 21.712 (0.162) 22.097 (0.216) 22.199 (0.243) 20.832
h95 23.227 (0.162) 23.057 (0.135) 23.329 (0.162) 23.401 (0.189) 22.484
h99 24.996 (0.108) 24.915 (0.108) 25.047 (0.108) 25.076 (0.108) 24.639
hvol 13.179 (0.703) 11.426 (0.568) 14.635 (0.757) 15.486 (0.838) 6.189
L_cv 0.276 (0.811) 0.332 (0.649) 0.235 (0.919) 0.213 (0.973) 0.513
L_kurt 0.077 (0.730) 0.040 (0.622) 0.093 (0.784) 0.095 (0.838) -0.065
L_skew -0.113 (0.541) -0.087 (0.459) -0.108 (0.541) -0.102 (0.568) 0.111
L2 3.631 (0.514) 4.009 (0.378) 3.285 (0.649) 3.125 (0.649) 4.659
L3 -0.422 (0.568) -0.383 (0.514) -0.363 (0.595) -0.334 (0.568) 0.384
L4 0.227 (0.703) 0.098 (0.622) 0.267 (0.784) 0.265 (0.838) -0.386
max 26.743 (0.000) 26.743 (0.000) 26.743 (0.000) 26.743 (0.000) 26.743
min 0.101 (1.000) 0.001 (0.514) 1.030 (1.000) 2.022 (1.000) 0
n 3,332.568 (0.541) 3,616.541 (0.486) 3,159.108 (0.595) 3,050.865 (0.622) 4923.054
quad_mean 15.823 (0.324) 15.214 (0.324) 16.283 (0.378) 16.541 (0.405) 12.967
quad_mean_c 16.657 (0.000) 16.657 (0.000) 16.657 (0.000) 16.657 (0.000) 16.657
rpc1 0.509 (0.324) 0.497 (0.270) 0.523 (0.405) 0.531 (0.432) 0.457
z_kurt -0.042 (0.568) -0.429 (0.486) 0.177 (0.649) 0.148 (0.676) -1.104
z_skew -0.523 (0.541) -0.393 (0.432) -0.538 (0.541) -0.511 (0.568) 0.239
zmean 14.277 (0.514) 13.234 (0.486) 15.076 (0.595) 15.487 (0.622) 9.664
zmean_c 15.665 (0.000) 15.665 (0.000) 15.665 (0.000) 15.665 (0.000) 15.665
Southwest (fall)
cancov 0.897 (0.882) 0.763 (0.706) 0.951 (0.941) 1.000 (1.000) 0.481
cv 0.548 (0.882) 0.787 (0.676) 0.477 (0.941) 0.432 (0.941) 1.456
cv_c 0.409 (0.000) 0.409 (0.000) 0.409 (0.000) 0.409 (0.000) 0.409
d10 0.880 (0.882) 0.750 (0.706) 0.894 (0.941) 0.890 (0.912) 0.472
d20 0.785 (0.794) 0.670 (0.618) 0.799 (0.794) 0.793 (0.794) 0.425
d30 0.698 (0.765) 0.595 (0.618) 0.711 (0.765) 0.705 (0.765) 0.378
d40 0.609 (0.735) 0.518 (0.559) 0.611 (0.676) 0.606 (0.676) 0.329
d50 0.500 (0.588) 0.427 (0.441) 0.501 (0.588) 0.492 (0.559) 0.271
d60 0.382 (0.500) 0.327 (0.382) 0.379 (0.441) 0.367 (0.441) 0.207
d70 0.249 (0.412) 0.214 (0.324) 0.244 (0.412) 0.236 (0.412) 0.135
d80 0.124 (0.382) 0.107 (0.324) 0.121 (0.412) 0.118 (0.382) 0.067
d90 0.032 (0.382) 0.027 (0.265) 0.032 (0.353) 0.031 (0.324) 0.016
h10 2.731 (0.971) 0.939 (0.971) 4.124 (0.971) 5.085 (0.971) 0.102
h20 5.943 (0.941) 3.009 (0.912) 6.983 (0.971) 7.716 (0.971) 0.297
h30 8.619 (0.853) 6.031 (0.794) 9.455 (0.912) 10.040 (0.912) 0.767
h40 10.813 (0.735) 8.774 (0.647) 11.374 (0.794) 11.835 (0.794) 1.769
h50 12.543 (0.647) 11.017 (0.559) 13.007 (0.676) 13.429 (0.706) 3.831
h60 14.232 (0.500) 12.961 (0.412) 14.633 (0.529) 14.926 (0.588) 7.639
h70 15.919 (0.412) 14.818 (0.353) 16.195 (0.441) 16.434 (0.441) 10.964
h80 17.655 (0.294) 16.861 (0.235) 17.877 (0.324) 18.076 (0.324) 13.821
h90 19.658 (0.206) 19.142 (0.206) 19.793 (0.206) 19.902 (0.235) 17.206
h95 21.008 (0.206) 20.695 (0.206) 21.111 (0.206) 21.185 (0.206) 19.364
h99 22.890 (0.147) 22.729 (0.118) 22.942 (0.147) 22.989 (0.147) 22.164
hvol 10.967 (0.735) 8.618 (0.559) 12.056 (0.794) 13.002 (0.794) 3.822
L_cv 0.309 (0.882) 0.409 (0.676) 0.269 (0.941) 0.244 (0.941) 0.629
L_kurt 0.052 (0.500) 0.036 (0.324) 0.058 (0.471) 0.059 (0.500) 0.053
L_skew -0.048 (0.676) 0.034 (0.559) -0.039 (0.676) -0.033 (0.706) 0.322
L2 3.484 (0.294) 3.802 (0.147) 3.253 (0.412) 3.096 (0.471) 3.746
L3 -0.213 (0.735) -0.050 (0.676) -0.174 (0.735) -0.155 (0.765) 0.907
L4 0.168 (0.500) 0.031 (0.353) 0.172 (0.471) 0.172 (0.500) -0.109
max 24.655 (0.000) 24.655 (0.000) 24.655 (0.000) 24.655 (0.000) 24.655
min 0.101 (1.000) 0.002 (0.706) 1.054 (1.000) 2.025 (1.000) 0
n 2,300.559 (0.588) 2,561.412 (0.559) 2,199.088 (0.588) 2,119.735 (0.618) 4026.382
quad_mean 13.504 (0.500) 12.579 (0.441) 13.852 (0.500) 14.143 (0.529) 9.938
quad_mean_c 14.310 (0.000) 14.310 (0.000) 14.310 (0.000) 14.310 (0.000) 14.31
rpc1 0.706 (0.382) 0.692 (0.353) 0.712 (0.353) 0.716 (0.353) 0.649
z_kurt -0.677 (0.324) -0.366 (0.235) -0.592 (0.324) -0.566 (0.353) 2.634
z_skew -0.177 (0.647) 0.118 (0.559) -0.152 (0.647) -0.132 (0.618) 1.084
zmean 11.953 (0.647) 10.473 (0.500) 12.549 (0.676) 13.002 (0.735) 6.711
zmean_c 13.250 (0.000) 13.250 (0.000) 13.250 (0.000) 13.250 (0.000) 13.25
Warren, Washington & Essex
cancov 0.844 (0.767) 0.766 (0.483) 0.974 (0.991) 1.000 (1.000) 0.631
cv 0.618 (0.733) 0.728 (0.517) 0.449 (0.948) 0.424 (0.974) 0.939
cv_c 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407 (0.000) 0.407
d10 0.828 (0.767) 0.753 (0.483) 0.924 (0.940) 0.915 (0.940) 0.62
d20 0.749 (0.690) 0.681 (0.483) 0.833 (0.845) 0.821 (0.836) 0.561
d30 0.660 (0.647) 0.600 (0.457) 0.731 (0.767) 0.718 (0.741) 0.494
d40 0.559 (0.578) 0.508 (0.440) 0.615 (0.690) 0.599 (0.638) 0.418
d50 0.444 (0.474) 0.403 (0.362) 0.487 (0.560) 0.471 (0.526) 0.33
d60 0.318 (0.353) 0.288 (0.259) 0.345 (0.388) 0.330 (0.379) 0.235
d70 0.189 (0.310) 0.171 (0.224) 0.205 (0.319) 0.195 (0.293) 0.139
d80 0.086 (0.224) 0.078 (0.164) 0.093 (0.267) 0.088 (0.250) 0.063
d90 0.022 (0.198) 0.020 (0.147) 0.025 (0.216) 0.023 (0.181) 0.016
h10 1.092 (0.974) 0.336 (0.905) 4.843 (0.991) 5.377 (0.991) 0.041
h20 4.090 (0.793) 2.081 (0.647) 7.351 (0.957) 7.782 (0.966) 0.417
h30 6.940 (0.664) 4.852 (0.474) 9.474 (0.871) 9.841 (0.897) 1.81
h40 9.456 (0.569) 7.717 (0.431) 11.408 (0.724) 11.701 (0.759) 3.933
h50 11.679 (0.491) 10.405 (0.362) 13.189 (0.595) 13.412 (0.621) 7.196
h60 13.698 (0.371) 12.790 (0.267) 14.838 (0.474) 15.010 (0.483) 10.507
h70 15.652 (0.293) 14.956 (0.198) 16.420 (0.336) 16.551 (0.371) 13.413
h80 17.517 (0.198) 17.108 (0.147) 18.047 (0.267) 18.129 (0.276) 16.09
h90 19.615 (0.147) 19.364 (0.121) 19.978 (0.198) 20.052 (0.207) 18.778
h95 21.211 (0.129) 21.023 (0.112) 21.480 (0.155) 21.523 (0.164) 20.58
h99 23.491 (0.078) 23.375 (0.060) 23.639 (0.103) 23.670 (0.103) 23.127
hvol 9.469 (0.629) 7.870 (0.405) 12.520 (0.819) 13.070 (0.845) 5.469
L_cv 0.351 (0.733) 0.411 (0.534) 0.256 (0.931) 0.241 (0.966) 0.515
L_kurt 0.026 (0.578) -0.012 (0.310) 0.058 (0.733) 0.058 (0.741) -0.046
L_skew -0.031 (0.595) 0.018 (0.448) -0.034 (0.603) -0.029 (0.586) 0.141
L2 3.825 (0.181) 4.031 (0.103) 3.217 (0.517) 3.117 (0.560) 4.125
L3 -0.119 (0.603) 0.071 (0.448) -0.113 (0.647) -0.095 (0.647) 0.552
L4 0.072 (0.578) -0.073 (0.293) 0.167 (0.724) 0.163 (0.733) -0.214
max 25.638 (0.000) 25.638 (0.000) 25.638 (0.000) 25.638 (0.000) 25.638
min 0.100 (1.000) 0.000 (0.009) 1.080 (1.000) 2.019 (1.000) 0
n 2,315.595 (0.440) 2,544.853 (0.336) 2,021.966 (0.603) 1,972.241 (0.629) 3089.284
quad_mean 13.044 (0.319) 12.411 (0.224) 14.035 (0.405) 14.199 (0.440) 11.25
quad_mean_c 14.324 (0.000) 14.324 (0.000) 14.324 (0.000) 14.324 (0.000) 14.324
rpc1 0.635 (0.517) 0.603 (0.431) 0.695 (0.681) 0.704 (0.707) 0.546
z_kurt -0.898 (0.388) -1.071 (0.147) -0.649 (0.526) -0.647 (0.526) -1.097
z_skew -0.124 (0.578) 0.021 (0.422) -0.123 (0.517) -0.096 (0.483) 0.335
zmean 11.125 (0.448) 10.099 (0.310) 12.814 (0.612) 13.074 (0.655) 8.339
zmean_c 13.265 (0.000) 13.265 (0.000) 13.265 (0.000) 13.265 (0.000) 13.265

Accuracy by Coverage

Table 5: RMSE for each LiDAR region at various ground filtering height thresholds.
Region # Plots Unfiltered 0m 0.1m 1m 2m
All Regions 874 43.905 45.504 46.612 45.899 46.410
Allegany & Steuben 38 43.478 43.169 42.659 44.504 44.779
3 County 117 49.414 50.651 53.141 52.553 53.363
Cayuga & Oswego 19 23.361 42.767 35.802 36.687 39.947
Clinton, Essex & Franklin 126 37.601 40.624 39.900 39.763 39.550
Columbia & Rensselaer 23 42.982 39.721 43.885 50.282 50.758
Erie, Genesee & Livingston 9 56.944 56.296 30.960 32.279 38.569
Franklin & St. Lawrence 113 36.897 36.928 38.394 37.974 38.480
Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin 47 39.236 41.343 40.713 36.412 37.655
Great Lakes 64 34.008 35.901 38.547 35.568 35.695
Long Island 26 40.100 40.356 48.762 41.893 42.107
Madison & Otsego 58 38.434 40.369 41.281 39.553 39.839
Oneida Subbasin 17 39.928 41.950 43.741 45.677 42.743
Schoharie 30 53.666 48.902 54.183 57.043 58.710
Southwest (spring) 37 42.591 48.527 44.640 45.297 45.123
Southwest (fall) 34 57.744 64.114 65.815 66.126 60.511
Warren, Washington & Essex 116 41.074 39.656 40.299 41.873 41.975
Table 5: RMSE (%) for each LiDAR region at various ground filtering height thresholds.
RMSE (%)
Region # Plots Unfiltered 0m 0.1m 1m 2m
All Regions 874 37.24 38.60 39.54 38.94 39.37
Allegany & Steuben 38 44.52 44.20 43.68 45.57 45.85
3 County 117 34.15 35.00 36.72 36.32 36.88
Cayuga & Oswego 19 18.13 33.20 27.79 28.48 31.01
Clinton, Essex & Franklin 126 37.03 40.01 39.29 39.16 38.95
Columbia & Rensselaer 23 29.55 27.31 30.17 34.57 34.90
Erie, Genesee & Livingston 9 43.61 43.11 23.71 24.72 29.54
Franklin & St. Lawrence 113 41.04 41.07 42.70 42.24 42.80
Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin 47 27.64 29.12 28.68 25.65 26.53
Great Lakes 64 44.17 46.63 50.07 46.20 46.36
Long Island 26 49.62 49.93 60.33 51.83 52.10
Madison & Otsego 58 30.03 31.54 32.26 30.91 31.13
Oneida Subbasin 17 41.83 43.95 45.83 47.86 44.78
Schoharie 30 43.12 39.29 43.53 45.83 47.17
Southwest (spring) 37 28.27 32.21 29.63 30.06 29.95
Southwest (fall) 34 40.53 45.00 46.19 46.41 42.47
Warren, Washington & Essex 116 30.60 29.55 30.03 31.20 31.27
Table 5: MAE for each LiDAR region at various ground filtering height thresholds.
Region # Plots Unfiltered 0m 0.1m 1m 2m
All Regions 874 33.421 34.974 36.013 35.369 35.724
Allegany & Steuben 38 30.681 35.046 35.041 35.255 33.794
3 County 117 38.327 39.774 42.475 41.951 41.678
Cayuga & Oswego 19 17.618 28.778 25.733 27.545 32.179
Clinton, Essex & Franklin 126 30.382 33.306 31.938 32.644 31.541
Columbia & Rensselaer 23 36.638 32.143 31.581 38.696 39.233
Erie, Genesee & Livingston 9 43.743 49.237 24.948 27.124 34.122
Franklin & St. Lawrence 113 27.562 28.001 29.535 27.954 29.230
Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin 47 31.440 33.167 33.167 29.055 30.738
Great Lakes 64 25.153 26.399 28.769 28.298 27.392
Long Island 26 32.769 33.608 38.133 37.132 34.594
Madison & Otsego 58 31.922 34.292 34.227 33.218 33.136
Oneida Subbasin 17 34.578 35.095 37.813 40.118 36.940
Schoharie 30 41.709 40.245 43.433 45.601 48.492
Southwest (spring) 37 32.221 36.606 33.631 31.450 33.616
Southwest (fall) 34 44.847 47.884 51.662 52.324 48.292
Warren, Washington & Essex 116 31.219 30.497 31.047 32.129 31.851
Table 5: R2 for each LiDAR region at various ground filtering height thresholds.
Region # Plots Unfiltered 0m 0.1m 1m 2m
All Regions 874 0.607 0.579 0.558 0.571 0.562
Allegany & Steuben 38 0.564 0.552 0.562 0.529 0.519
3 County 117 0.550 0.524 0.472 0.488 0.468
Cayuga & Oswego 19 0.778 0.279 0.524 0.475 0.354
Clinton, Essex & Franklin 126 0.547 0.473 0.491 0.508 0.502
Columbia & Rensselaer 23 0.734 0.775 0.731 0.637 0.629
Erie, Genesee & Livingston 9 0.540 0.545 0.883 0.871 0.823
Franklin & St. Lawrence 113 0.597 0.596 0.563 0.573 0.565
Fulton, Saratoga, Herkimer & Franklin 47 0.593 0.549 0.570 0.647 0.633
Great Lakes 64 0.713 0.677 0.628 0.683 0.681
Long Island 26 0.647 0.646 0.466 0.606 0.607
Madison & Otsego 58 0.684 0.645 0.641 0.658 0.657
Oneida Subbasin 17 0.547 0.524 0.446 0.394 0.479
Schoharie 30 0.608 0.678 0.599 0.561 0.538
Southwest (spring) 37 0.773 0.705 0.754 0.746 0.743
Southwest (fall) 34 0.484 0.363 0.325 0.385 0.426
Warren, Washington & Essex 116 0.436 0.475 0.458 0.414 0.413


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Mahoney (2022, Feb. 9). CAFRI Labs: First draft of graphics and tables for ground filtering paper. Retrieved from

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  title = {CAFRI Labs: First draft of graphics and tables for ground filtering paper},
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