GNN SPP Fourier

Modeling Species Composition with GNN and Fourier Phenometrics

Sam Gordon

Fourier Phenometrics were derived for the period from 2009-2019 from DAYMET Precipitation and Temperature and MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). No other predictors were included in this model. This model was based on Wilson, Lister, & Riemann (2012).


Wilson, B. T., Lister, A. J., & Riemann, R. I. (2012). A nearest-neighbor imputation approach to mapping tree species over large areas using forest inventory plots and moderate resolution raster data. Forest ecology and management, 271, 182-198.


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Gordon (2023, June 1). CAFRI Labs: GNN SPP Fourier. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Gordon, Sam},
  title = {CAFRI Labs: GNN SPP Fourier},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}