Landsat Modeling Comparison

Comparison of best Landsat:FIA modeling approach to five Landsat:LiDAR approaches. Results extracted from individual model docs and summarized here.

Lucas Johnson

Model Info

ID Model Doc %RMSE MBE
landsat-fia landsat-fia-v0.0.5 58 2.24
1 landsat-lidar-v0.0.2 65 -6.8
2 landsat-lidar-v0.0.4 64 12.0
3 landsat-lidar-v0.0.5 68 19.7
4 landsat-lidar-v0.0.6 63 1.4
5 landsat-lidar-v0.0.7 64 8.4
ID Sample Post-prediction Mask LCMAP Preds
landsat-fia Trained directly on the most recent set of FIA plots across the state None Yes
1 Non-forested pixels excluded from sample. 20 equal interval bins constructed across acceptable pixels from all LiDAR-AGB surfaces. 0.05% of each LiDAR-AGB surface is sampled broken out evenly across bins. ~25k pixels. Non-forested AGB pixels are set to 0 and included in map accuracy assessment. No
2 LiDAR-AGB pixels in Developed, Water, or Barren LCMAP classes are excluded. 20 equal interval bins constructed across acceptable pixels from all LiDAR-AGB surfaces. 0.05% of acceptable pixels sampled from each surface broken out evenly across bins. ~40k pixels. AGB pixels in Developed, Water, or Barren classes are set to 0 and included in map accuracy assessment. No
3 All landcover classes are included in sample. 20 equal interval bins constructed across all pixels from all LiDAR-AGB surfaces. ~45k pixels. None Yes
4 0.01% of each LCMAP class x LiDAR-AGB surface sampled randomly. No stratification by AGB. ~10k pixels. None Yes
5 LiDAR-AGB pixels in Developed, Water, and Barren LCMAP classes forced to 0 and included in the sample. 20 equal interval bins constructed across pixels from all LiDAR-AGB surfaces. 0.05% of pixels sampled from each surface broken out evenly across bins. ~45k pixels. AGB pixels in Developed, Water, or Barren classes are set to 0 and included in map accuracy assessment. Yes

Map Comparisons

Scatter Comparisons

ECDF Comparisons


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Johnson (2021, Oct. 12). CAFRI Labs: Landsat Modeling Comparison. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Johnson, Lucas},
  title = {CAFRI Labs: Landsat Modeling Comparison},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}