LiDAR x Stem Inclusion & Forest Conditions

Comparisons of FIA reference datasets for LiDAR-AGB modeling based on various stem inclusion and forest condition rules

Lucas Johnson


Forest Criteria

AGB Computations


Tier 1 and 2 plots were included here

Looking at Biomass and LiDAR

Mid Heights

Low Heights

LiDAR-AGB Correlations

[AGB == 0 & LiDAR max-height > 10m] excluded

[AGB == 0 & LiDAR max-height > 1m] excluded

Correlation by LiDAR-Height Threshold

40m Max Height

10m Max Height


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Johnson (2022, Jan. 4). CAFRI Labs: LiDAR x Stem Inclusion & Forest Conditions. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Johnson, Lucas},
  title = {CAFRI Labs: LiDAR x Stem Inclusion & Forest Conditions},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}