NYS Tax Parcel Sizes

2019 NYS tax parcel size summary by ownership and use.

Lucas Johnson


Summary of 2019 tax parcel sizes across New York State.

For reference this Vermont document categorizes the various carbon credit programs by ‘Registry Standard’ and minimum parcel size.

A summary of those minimum parcel sizes, for programs meeting California ARB registry standards:

Summary Acres Pixels
Min 40 180
Mean 1350 6000
Max 3000 13500
Minimum Economically Viable 2000 9000

Average Parcel Sizes by Ownership

Owner Acres Pixels
Private 5 24
All 6 29
Public 40 181
Federal 92 416
State 133 600

Average Parcel Sizes by Use

As per NYS property type classification codes

Category Acres Pixels
Commercial 2 8
Residential 3 12
Vacant land 9 40
Community services 11 49
Industrial 15 67
Public services 17 78
Recreation & entertainment 24 109
Agricultural 68 306
Wild, forested, conservation lands and public parks 136 611


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Johnson (2022, Feb. 1). CAFRI Labs: NYS Tax Parcel Sizes. Retrieved from https://cafri-labs.github.io/acceptable-growing-stock/posts/nys-tax-parcel-sizes/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Johnson, Lucas},
  title = {CAFRI Labs: NYS Tax Parcel Sizes},
  url = {https://cafri-labs.github.io/acceptable-growing-stock/posts/nys-tax-parcel-sizes/},
  year = {2022}