lm(formula = formula, data = train_test$training)
(Intercept) live_agb
0.0008802 0.4999994
Carbon-conversion Take 5
Updating workflow to use standard (current Landsat-agb) predictors and latest Landsat-agb v1.2.0 results.
SR (Simple ratio), MSR (Modified simple ratio) added as predictors. NSDS removed as a predictor.
Landsat-agb predictions updated to v1.2.0
Duplicate inventories of plots removed – where multiple inventories for a single plot were present, a random inventory (year) was selected.
Litter & Soil elastic-net regression: nested-cv used to produce 20-fold CV accuracy metrics. A standard LOO-CV approach is used to tune and produce a final model.
AGC model
- n-train: 2005
- n-test: 502
Training 1:1 (With plot-level agb estimates as input)
Testing 1:1 (with landsat-agb predictions as input)
Test accuracy:
Metric | Estimate |
RMSE | 25.10 |
% RMSE | 41.25 |
MAE | 19.64 |
% MAE | 32.29 |
ME | -2.62 |
Rsq | -1.81 |
% Improvement | 26.72 |
BGC model
- n-train: 2005
- n-test: 502
lm(formula = formula, data = train_test$training)
(Intercept) live_agb
0.47929 0.09778
Training 1:1 (With plot-level agb estimates as input)
Testing 1:1 (with landsat-agb predictions as input)
Test accuracy:
Metric | Estimate |
RMSE | 4.89 |
% RMSE | 39.53 |
MAE | 3.83 |
% MAE | 30.99 |
ME | -0.53 |
Rsq | 0.47 |
% Improvement | 27.06 |
Deadwood C model
- n-train: 210
- n-test: 53
- RF hyperparams:
- mtry: 5
- min.node.size: 5
- num.trees.: 500
- replace: FALSE
Training 1:1 (With landsat-agb estimates as inputs)
Testing 1:1 (With landsat-agb estimates as inputs)
Test accuracy:
Metric | Estimate |
RMSE | 6.74 |
% RMSE | 77.65 |
MAE | 5.12 |
% MAE | 58.95 |
ME | 0.24 |
Rsq | 0.09 |
% Improvement | 5.62 |
Litter C model
- n-obs: 120
- Elastic-net hyperparams:
- alpha: 0.15
- lambda: 4.1120292
20-Fold-CV 1:1 (With landsat-agb estimates as inputs)
20-Fold-CV accuracy:
Metric | Estimate |
RMSE | 9.27 |
% RMSE | 69.09 |
MAE | 7.21 |
% MAE | 55.15 |
ME | -0.12 |
Rsq | 0.08 |
% Improvement | 13.20 |
Soil C model
- n-obs: - n-obs: 72
- Elastic-net hyperparams:
- alpha: 0.55
- lambda: 8.632366
20-Fold-CV 1:1 (With landsat-agb estimates as inputs)
20-Fold-CV test-set accuracy:
Metric | Estimate |
RMSE | 48.97 |
% RMSE | 42.12 |
MAE | 39.12 |
% MAE | 35.12 |
ME | 0.16 |
Rsq | 0.04 |
% Improvement | 32.06 |