Ongoing Projects

This section contains information and documentation for each project. The goal is both to communicate what’s going on with each project to other lab members as well as to centralize all the outputs and digital artifacts associated with each project in a single location.

One possible template for each project could look like this:

## Executive Summary
+ A short, plain English summary of the objectives and context of the project

## People
+ Who's involved?

## Key Papers
+ 1-5 relevant papers useful for getting an understanding of the subject at hand
+ These can be outputs from the project if that's what's most relevant
+ I personally like to provide the full text citation, rather than the inline citation as generated via @, but that's your call

## Links
+ Any relevant links for the project
+ This can be your GitHub repo, any news articles, or anything else useful

(other sections as desired)

## Outputs
+ Link all outputs from your project to date here
+ The audience for this section is both other lab members, trying to see what's going on where, as well as yourself in six months when you're writing an application

## Other References
+ Any references cut from "Key Papers" belongs here

Optimize your project pages for ease of maintenance. Ideally you won’t need to update your project page every day or every week, because odds are you’ll eventually stop updating it over time; updating once a semester feels like a good cadence.

Ideally a “project” page here represents a single paper, or perhaps a small collection of very closely related efforts. If your project page starts getting too long, consider breaking it into multiple projects.