Lab Publications

This is a manually-updated list of publications put out by the lab and its members. Have a new paper or preprint? Add it to the list! Newer publications go on top, prefixed with #. to properly number the list.


  1. Mahoney, Michael J., Lucas K. Johnson, Julia Silge, Hannah Frick, Max Kuhn, and Colin M. Beier. 2023. “Assessing the performance of spatial cross-validation approaches for models of spatially structured data.” PDF

Published CAFRI works

  1. Johnson, Lucas K., Michael J. Mahoney, Eddie Bevilacqua, Stephen V. Stehman, Grant Domke, and Colin M. Beier. 2022. “Fine-Resolution Landscape-Scale Biomass Mapping Using a Spatiotemporal Patchwork of LiDAR Coverages.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 114: 103059. PDF

  2. Mahoney, Michael J., Lucas K. Johnson, Eddie Bevilacqua, and Colin M. Beier. 2022. “ Filtering ground noise from LiDAR returns produces inferior models of forest aboveground biomass in heterogenous landscapes.” GIScience & Remote Sensing 59(1): pp 1266-1280. PDF

  3. Mahoney, Michael J., Lucas K. Johnson, and Colin M. Beier. 2022. “Classification and Mapping of Low-Statured ’Shrubland’ Cover Types in Post-Agricultural Landscapes of the US Northeast.” International Journal of Remote Sensing 43(19-24): pp 7117-7138. PDF

  4. Desrochers, Madeleine L., Wayne Tripp, Stephen Logan, Eddie Bevilacqua, Lucas Johnson, and Colin M. Beier. 2022. “Ground-Truthing Forest Change Detection Algorithms in Working Forests of the US Northeast.” Journal of Forestry, February. PDF

  5. Mahoney, Michael J., Colin M. Beier, and Aidan C. Ackerman. 2022. “terrainr: An R Package for Creating Immersive Virtual Environments.” Journal of Open Source Software 7 (69): 4060. PDF

  6. Mahoney, Michael J., Colin M. Beier, and Aidan C. Ackerman. 2022. “unifir: A Unifying API for Working with Unity in R.” Journal of Open Source Software 7 (73): 4388. PDF

  7. Mahoney, Michael J., Colin M. Beier, and Aidan C. Ackerman. 2022. “Interactive landscape simulations for visual resource assessment.” In R. Hoffman, B. Chamberlain, & R. Smardon (Eds.), VRSC 2021 Conference Proceedings. PDF

Published CAFRI-adjacent works

  1. Tamiminia, Haifa, Bahram Salehi, Masoud Mahdianpari, Colin M. Beier, Lucas Johnson, Daniel B. Phoenix, and Michael Mahoney. 2022. “Decision Tree-Based Machine Learning Models for Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data and Object-Based Image Analysis.” Geocarto International, July, 1–29.