Tools for Dealing with Spatial Data

This is a list of tools that people in the lab actually use on a regular basis for dealing with spatial data. This is not a collection of every tool that has ever been written for working with spatial data, but a selective list of recommendations for things that we use in the lab.


  • terra is the standard R package for reading raster data and doing standard raster operations. The thing you’re trying to do probably exists in terra somewhere.

  • landscapemetrics is the de facto standard for landscape ecology metrics, including metrics such as patch density and edge density.

  • GDAL is a command-line program which handles raster transformations and calculations very quickly. The interface is intimidating, but it’s a better way to deal with huge rasters than trying to load them into R.


  • sf is the standard R package for reading vector data and doing standard vector operations. The thing you’re trying to do probably exists in sf somewhere.

  • fasterize claims to offer fast rasterization. It’s definitely faster than raster::rasterize(), but might not be much faster than terra::rasterize().

  • ogr2ogr is a command-line program for fast filtering, querying, and manipulation of vector data.


  • lidR is probably the best R package for reading and processing LiDAR data.

Data Access

  • terrainr provides access to a national DEM and orthoimagery from the National Agricultural Imagery Program.


  • QGIS is a traditional GIS with a graphical user interface. While most CAFRI lab members use R and gdal to do their heavy spatial analyses, we often use QGIS for more exploratory purposes.
  • ggplot2 has pretty solid support for building nice-looking maps. Aggregate rasters to at least 120m pixels before trying to plot them; remember that you can’t display more pixels of your map than there are pixels in the image, and if you don’t aggregate, ggplot will.
  • ggspatial provides great scale bar and north arrows for ggplot.
  • ggsflabel provides more intelligent labeling for maps than anything else available. This package is only available on GitHub; install via remotes::install_github("yutannihilation/ggsflabel").


  • spatialsample helps create spatially-separated folds for cross validation, when dealing with data that has spatial structure.
  • waywiser provides useful functions for assessing spatial predictions, including methods for determining the area of applicability of a model and for assessing spatial autocorrelation in model residuals.